Sunday, May 20, 2012

GCC Scholar # 5 and # 6 Enrolled for the 1st Year

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 20, 2012

Ms. Maela Fabella and Ms. Jenny Grace Sumaoy, the so-called GCC scholars # 5 and # 6 respectively, will start their first year college studies at Access Computer College (ACC).

They were already enrolled yesterday, May 19, 2012.

To know more about ACC, please click this >>

Ms. Fabella will take up Hotel Restaurant Services while Ms. Sumaoy will try Computer Secretarial. Both are 2-year courses but under the ladderized system, they can opt to proceed to finish their courses with a 4-year Bachelor degree. By adding 2 more years of studies after finishing Hotel Restaurant Services, one can get BS Hotel Restaurant Management or BS Tourism. On the other hand, after Computer Secretarial one can proceed to recieve BS in Office Administration.

The tuition fees of the above students are shouldered by the Gigaquit Civic Club through donations, while the rest of the expenses are taken cared of by their guardians.

Click below link to learn more on the background of this matter . . .

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“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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