Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SAI hosts 3rd DCHS CUP ‘07

Contributed by Mr. Ronald Eupena

SAI hosts 3rd DCHS CUP ‘07

Five aspiring schools joined in the 3rd Diocesan Catholic High School Sports fest 2007 held at Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit last Oct. 30-31 2007.

The two-day activity aims to promote camaraderie and oneness among the students of the diocese of Surigao, particularly in the Diocesan Catholic High Schools (DCHS) family. “Teach minds, Touch hearts and Transform Lives”, is the theme for this year’s “3rd DCHS Sports fest where San Nicolas Academy of Mainit, San Nicolas School of Dapa, Jesus Cabarrus Catholic School of Nonoc, Saint John’s School of Bacuag, San Nicolas High School of Anao-aon, and Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit enjoy the said event.

The Most Rev. Bishop Antonietto D. Cabajog, DD officiates the Holy Eucharistic Mass with his concelebrants Rev. Fr. Jun A. Balberia ,DCS, Rev. Fr. Larry Espuerta ,DCS. After celebrating the Mass a parade follows wherein all delegates from different Catholic Schools join the said parade. And then, ribbon cutting follows to formally open the 2007 3rd DCHS Sports fest by most Rev. Bishop. It was followed by an opening program wherein one of the highlight was the banner rising. Furthermore, the audiences were flourish w/ a series of presentation wherein Saint John’s School of Bacuag and Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit show DLC presentation, San Nicolas Academy of Mainit and San Nicolas School of Dapa shines as they present their cheer dance, San Nicolas High School of Anao-aon expressed their talents through dancing, was and Jesus Cabarrus Catholic School of Nonoc present their yell. Everyone enjoy in the opening program even though the weather is quietly bad.

In the night of the first day is the musical variety show and talent night hosted by Vanessa Jane J. Go and John Vincent J. Go. It was followed by a Fellowship/Socialization- a disco that is a get-together disco in particular.

The second day start with a mass, which are attended by the participating schools. After the mass, was the continuation of joy that calls the attention of everybody. For, even though, it rain hard, still the students enjoy their game under the heavy rain. They play, they scream and they shout as a support for their players.

In the night was the Search for Mr. And Ms. DCHS Cup 2007, which were the very highlights of the two-day affair. Thus, SAI’s candidates Daisy Mae A. Bersabal and Ennocent John G. Commandante were hailed first runner-up.

Indeed, the schools who participated the 3rd DCHS Sports fest ’07 were very glad and joyful for the success that everybody made especially to the efforts of Saint Augustine Institute Alumni Association, faculty and staff, SGO officers, parents and the sponsors. To all delegates and the hosts school CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done#

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