Tuesday, August 6, 2013

GCC Scholar #0002 Status as of July 31, 2013

Mr. Sulpicio "Jun" Galolo, the scholar #2 is under the guardianship of Mr. Lino Uzon and his wife, Councilor Fe Uzon. For reference please click here.

The donor shouldering all of his tuition fee including miscellaneous expenses is Mrs. Angela Larong Macasero also known to her friends as Lileth or Mana Lileth.  For reference, please click this >> An Angel to the Rescue

The Gigaquit Civic Club is very thankful to Mana Lileth for her support.  She shouldered the tution and miscellaneous fees amounting to at least P8,000 per semester (the details given to her by periodical liquidation) for Jun Galolo's below school periods:
1st year (SY2011~2012) - 1st semester June ~ October 2011
1st year (SY2011~2012) - 2nd semester November 2011 ~ March 2012
2nd year (SY2012~2013) - 1st semester June ~ October 2012

For 2nd year (SY2012~2013) - 2nd semester (November 2012 ~ March 2013), due to Mana Lileth's many commitments with various projects she shouldered the tuition fee of around P6,000 while the miscellaneous expenses were covered by the Gigaquit Civic Club from its proceeds of the Bowling Tournament last May 2013.  For reference, please click this >> GCC Bowl-A-Thon May 2013

Regarding Jun Galolo's 3rd year (SY2013~2014) - 1st semester (June ~ October 2013) schooling, Mana Lileth will still shoulder the tuition fee.  The Gigaquit Civic Club on the other hand will also shoulder the non-tuition fee expenses.

So far, the non-tuition expenses by GCC for Jun Galolo's 3rd year (SY2013~2014) - 1st semester (June ~ October 2013) are as follows:
Books                                              P2,000
Observation with training materials      P1,200
          TOTAL as of July 31, 2013       P3,200

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
August 6, 2013

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“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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