Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fred (Pepe) F. Beniga

Posted by Steven Egay
For the Gigaquit Civic Club
December 15, 2007

Mr. Pepe Beniga delivering a joke . . .

Fred (Pepe) F. Beniga
  • Personal Background:
Ø Date of Birth: December 6, 1934
Ø Place of Birth: Bgy. San Isidro, Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte
Ø Mother’s Name: Nieves Fabe Beniga
Ø Father’s Name: Simon Dano Beniga
Ø Name of Spouse: Zenaida Sauler Ronquillo
Ø Children:
1. Frederic R. Beniga
2. Evelyn R. Beniga (Mrs. Medina)
3. Robert R. Beniga
  • Educational Background:
Ø San Isidro Elementary School (Grade 1 to 5)
Ø Saint Augustine Institute (Grade 6)
Ø Saint Augustine Institute (1st year to 4th year High School)
Ø AIF – (2 yr.course) Associate in Industrial Forestry
SIT – Surigao Institute of Technology-1956
Ø MSS – (2 yr. course) Medical Secretarial Science
MGH College, Manila – 1962
Ø BSBA – Management – University of the East, 1967
Ø BSBA – Marketing – University of the East, 1967
Attended Various Seminars and Lectures on Business Management and Advanced Managerial Technology – De La Salle University and in California, USA
  • Work Experience and Positions held:
Ø 1957 – Operation Manager and Supply Officer – P.L. Dumlao
Logging Corporation at age 22
Ø work as Janitor ( 3 months) MGH, Manila 1958
Ø Clerk, Typist, MGH, Manila 1958
Ø Supply officer, Custodian Supervisor for male Nurses students, MGH College, Manila 1960
Ø Supply officer and Secretary to the Administrator – MCM (UPSI) 1968.
Ø Payroll Master – MCM (UPSI)
Ø Purchasing Manager - MCM (UPSI)
Ø Credit and Collection Manager – MCM (UPSI)
Ø Helped organize Capitol Medicinal Center with Mother La Croia, a well-known hospital Administrator of the country in 1970.
Ø Assistant Administrator – MCM (UPSI)
Ø 1982- 1986 – Engaged in Marketing business with brother Chris F. Beniga under the umbrella of Multipure International Corporation, California, USA
Ø California, USA – Winner Phoenix Power System, Inc; California,USA
Ø Founded Molave Insurance Agency Corporation, a non-life Insurance Broker since 1992 to present
  • Community Services:
Ø Two terms Administrator – Sport development Center-Paranaque City, 1976-1977
Ø 1991 – 1992 – President, 1618 Homeowners Association Inc.,
Barangay Don Bosco, Paranaque City
Ø Elected 5 times - Board member of Homeowners Association Inc. and Chairman of different committees several times.
Ø Sunflower Green volunteer (former Linis Ganda) under Republic Act 9003 called Solid Waste Management at which becomes a law in year 2000.
Ø 4th degree member, Knights of Columbus since 1962
Ø Member, Holy Name Society since 1975
  • Multi-Awardee of Achievement and Meritorious works from the following companies:
Ø Marian General Hospital, Manila – 1964.
Ø Medical Center Manila (multiple awards) in different years.
Ø Lincoln Philippines Life Insurance Co, Inc. (multiple awards) in different years
Ø Success Systems Institute – 1971
Ø Phoenix Power Systems, Incorporated, California, USA
Ø 1618 BLS Homeowners Association – 1992 with subsequent multiple awards
Ø Multi- Awardee in Sports for bowling since 1959 and subsequent years, multiple awards in Tennis, Basketball and Badminton.

Rudy Sacobos

Posted by Steven Egay
For the Gigaquit Civic Club
December 15, 2007



Name: Rodrigo G. Sacobos
City Address: 14 Cacharel St.Simeona Village, Concepcion-Uno
Marikina City
Date of Birth: December 5, 1946
Place of Birth: Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte
Civil Status: Married
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Spouse: Rizalinda P. Sacobos (Occupation: Nurse)
Number of children, their names and date of birth:
Chryza P. Sacobos April 2, 1987
Crytel P. Sacobos May 14, 1990

Father’s Name: Eleoterio Sacobos(deceased)
Occupation: Fisherman
Mother’s Name: Santiaga Sacobos(deceased)
Occupation: Housewife

Address: Alambique, Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte
Language or dialects spoken: Surigaonon,Cebuano, Tagalog, English
Elementary: SAI Elementary School 1959-1960
High School: SAI 1964-1965
College: Philippine Christian University
Course: BSBA (Accounting) 1982
EMPLOYMENT RECORD (from present work backward)
Years: 1967-1987
Years: 1966-1967
Position: Plywood Factory (Green Vener) Dryer Operator
Company: ARTIMCO Asam-Cagwait, Surigao del Sur


Barangay Captain
Poniente, Gigaquit Surigao Del Norte
Contact No.: 0920 869 1136
Date of Birth : April 5, 1954
Place of Birth : Poniente, Gigaquit,
Surigao del Norte
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Married
Spouse : Rodulfo Gesta Sr.
Name of Children Date of Birth
Angie Rose G. Pelegrino November 06, 1981
Rodgie Mae L. Gesta May 25, 1983
Rodgierick L. Gesta December 26, 1984
Argielee L. Gesta July 21, 1987
Rodulfo L. Gesta Jr. December 21, 1988
Mercy Angelica L. Gesta April 22, 1990
Father’s Name : Leonardo Larong Laroga (deceased)
Mother’s Name : Mercedes Rosas Laroga (deceased)
Elementary : Poniente Elementary School
1967 – 1968
High School : Saint Augustine Institute
1973 – 1974
College : San Nicolas College
Course : Bachelor of Science in Commerce
Major in Accounting
1977 – 1978
Sept. 21, 1979 – May 15, 1981 Bookkeeper Rural Bank of Placer, Inc.
May 21, 1981 – Present Bookkeeper Rural Bank of Gigaquit, Inc.
Pictures of Brgy. Captain Lita L. Gesta with some of her constituents:

Isang Dahon Lang‏

By Mar Recentes

As hidden beauty of Gigaquit islands crumble…

Perhaps only few could take cognizance of the pieces of art God has emplaced at the façade of a coastal community Northeast of Mindanao. With the world’s deepest just few nautical miles away and the Pacific winds literally finding their way through it – the province of Surigao Norte has been a picture of a typhoon magnet. It may seem to be a magnet because it always repels the fine sunny mornings of summer, and continuously attracts down pour of rains making the place a generally wet season almost the whole year round. As a result, the inhabitants of the place had to bear the brunt of what best is left for them, and giving the rest to what heavens have destined them to harvest. Gigaquit, being one of the municipalities located at Surigao’s inner coast facing the Pacific has the biggest share of wind whips whenever typhoons came to town. Amidst all these ‘misfortunes’ God may have been so kind enough to the place, still. Legends and myths had it told about how giant waves walloped attacking barbaric conquerors of Gigaquit, leaving the people safe and unharmed. But legends seem to have gained real grounds on God’s bounty to the place, as He had seemingly emplaced Cagban Island and the shores of Duot as the guardians of the oceans and protectors of Gigaquit Municipality.

Cagban Island? Can please anybody tell me where in the world are these ‘patriot’ guards? One may say about the myth about Cagban Island and its ‘sister’, Duot as the main casts. It may say about the story wherein both became the defenders of Mother Gigaquit, sacrificing their own to save a place of glorious, fine people -- against the fiercest winds and thunderstorms coming from the Pacific, and against tyrant conquerors? And after such a sacrifice, offering these people they love with good providence of nourishment – the bounty of coco fruits and the vast fishing grounds they set array. Both are distinguishable to have faced potential catastrophes – Cagban, for its strategic stance in the forefront of Gigaquit coasts, and Duot beach as the ‘last line of defense’ prior the winds’ pounding hit at the plains of Gigaquit town, preventing them from completely wiping out a community of faithful from the rest of Philippine Archipelago.

The Islands of Gigaquit Municipality are located 9˚ 36”N and 125˚ 42”E of the biggest main island of Mindanao. Their location may appear insignificant from the rest of the Philippine Islands, but to the small people-inhabitants of the coastal town, their presence is a gift of God. Perhaps only few people could see the reasons behind its strategic emplacement, but to an old fisher folk he says: MARAJAW TON KAY NASINGOD RA KAY PARA JAOY ATO HAP-AN. “Better have them beside so that we can find refuge… in times of fierce winds.”

Other than its pivotal roles in appeasing winds and possible tidal waves, Cagban Island remains reserved and untouched. The small polyps-filled land mark is blessed with ‘cliff hanger’, pointed and stone-carved boulders in the east. Opposite its rough side is a 3-hectare shore line of white sand that is obviously not been polluted by city folks, as no evidence of plastic bags and ‘styro’ packs of large burger chains in the vicinity. In front of it, in about a waist-deep of blue ocean water, what can be clearly seen are finely designed corals with a lot of sea creatures typically found in wealthy urban people’s aquariums. Beside the fine sands are structures which are not of human abode, as they are used to carry some fishers’ boats, who come to drop by in case of bad weather, or during the time they take some meals. These structures protect the boats from waves especially during high tides. On the sand are foot prints leading to a small hut, towards the make shift oven made up of three equally-big stones used as prongs where small kettle of rice and another pan are put on one after another to cook food for lunch. Going up the hilly portion of the island, are equally-tall coconut trees. (Legends were told once about some selfish boatmen who came to the island, ate the fruits and bounty to their hearts’ content, and still harvested all the coco fruits which they intended to be sold to the nearby municipality. As they paddled away from the island, the heavens might have been so ‘enraged’ that, weather became worse and brought forth tall waves and punished the coco thieves. Since then, people seemed to believe that a fairy lives in the island. They soon believed about the code that allows anyone to eat in the island, but prevents him to take home the bounty. And so there went that myth through some people’s tongues.) Below the coco trees are cassava and camote plants, widely sprawled around as some vines creep atop the trees, giving the visitors a fresh respite after a hearty meal of fish, shells, cassava roots and camote tops, with the cool beverage of young coco fruit. Refreshing behind the shades of trees as breeze softly sways small twigs of trees nearby, with the nice white sand and blue water as back ground, nobody can deny that in that very moment he is in heaven.

In contrast to what Cagban Island displays, Duot shoreline took all the punishing waves caused by those winds that were not thwarted by the island. After the rains, the shorelines return back to their beauteous state inviting people for a holiday treat. Many stories were told on how graceful the shoreline was. I can still remember my mother told me about the presence of some driftwood tusked into the shoreline in perfect alignment some ten meters away from where waves hit the sand. “Those are wooden bridge posts once!”, she said. I was startled! I could not figure out how ferocious indeed were the waves to have the sands and some pebbles carved out of the shore and pushed them forward just like literally transferring an island to another place. I can attest to that story since I can still remember four layers of coconut trees were then ‘piled’ beside the shore lines. Decades later those trees are in near instinct as waves and winds bring forth some whips, as if hurrying them to get away from the shoreline. My friend lately informed me that the one last pile of coconuts is in near total devastation. With the last pose of defense slowly crumbling down, Duot shoreline now comes to a point wherein it bids goodbye to the place it was tasked by heavens to defend. Just like the spoils of war, Gigaquit folks and their homes start to become things of the past as they now wait for what nature brings them in just merely few years of slow-paced, yet continuous pummeling of the sea.

Recently, Surigao province was intensely alarmed by one irresponsible big mouth that spread rumors about the alleged sinking of the province caused by Earth movement that basically came from the bottom of Pacific Ocean. Since the province lies in awe relatively near the world’s deepest, many panicked and caused some instant commotions and severe state of fright. That phenomenon even caught the witty ears of national media. Later, the alarm was downgraded. Many persons in authority made some official declarations about the incident, explaining to the people the real score of the tale. However, people seem to be reluctant. Fear still overwhelms their minds, which are even more aggravated by the fact that flooding continues to occur and the shores of Duot are being ‘eaten’ by ferocious winds and waves. That long-tongued ‘typhoon’ had made it to the box office, yielding out fear in the people, yet, they should have known about this slow-paced typhoon that had been striking the town many years back, and now prepares to take another salvo – this time more deadly and cruel. I am startled to note that some people are even more alarmed of rumors than real threat!

Some years back, I always spent time at the beach pondering what awaits me some miles away from the horizon just as the sun rays slowly fade away in nearby highland towns. I was thinking of what life was there at the back of the island as I saw one barge breaking the waters a mile away. “Que sera, sera…”, that was what our late jolly principal always told us. He once told us, life is what you make it. Yet, he again sang the “Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be…?” That moment of focus was disturbed by one loud ‘bang’ few miles away north my direction. The flickering small spot lights were then observable leading toward the place of blast that early dusk. Later did I know, that those boat men were caught by the local police for alleged illegal fishing. I was one of the witnesses of how three boats were tied in the sea wall; their men gripping hands on the rails of INP Detention cell. Just few weeks then, many started to forget about the incident. I also noticed that those people were released for lack of evidence. And that their Big Boss still continued to be free and richer, was out of my interest that time. Unlike those coconut thieves in the myth about Cagban island, in real situation, bad fellahs enjoy freedom.

The Philippines being generally an all coastal country, is suffering from self-inflicted harm on its resources. An estimated 2,000 tons of coral reefs are badly damaged each year caused by man-made blast fishing. Many “Muro-ami” ways of living in vast coastal areas particularly in Southern Mindanao are causing some drift of fish degeneration as tons of fish kills are openly done by ‘real’ ocean thieves. Corals, said the book, are the foundation of an island. They consist of tiny polyps which are a kind of living material that grows at the foot of the ocean, and slowly holds firm some huge bodies of lands on top of it. Another case is the fishers’ use of fishing materials and equipment which are causing damage to the corals. One of my friends once told me about one fish magnet that ‘swept’ Gigaquit-Bacuag and Placer bay. Allegedly, this man orders his men to use one illegal fishing net known locally as thrawl. There, small fishes, big fishes alike were harvested like the 'deckens'! I sometimes come to conclude that thieves are even more cruel than the waves and winds that whipped Duot shores. The effect affects the local folks so turtle-slow that they even cannot notice them. Gosh!

I sometimes ask myself, “HAMAN NA KAHA AN MGA PUNAW SANAN LUPUGON KUMAN, KAY BISAN MAGBILAR KAW SA DUOT, JARA KON JAOY IMO MAHANAP?” When I was a young kid, I once joined my uncle fishing using big eyed nets known as “Pukot”. In one of our sorties, I can still recall bringing home some 17 pieces, or some 7 kilos of Luyung fish. My mother was so happy that time as I tried to take those chores which I knew would help ease up those ‘trying times’ our family had been to. But now, I doubt if those ‘Mangahigay’’can still bring home one fish!

This sad picture of dwindling gift of nature reminds me of one story about a duck that lays golden eggs. Greed seemed to overcome the owner that in search of more and more eggs, he butchered his priced fowl! Another story my father once told me, said about a family of lazy fellahs. The first day after their father and mother died, they used one wooden window to cook rice; the next day, another one. So lazy that they even could not take a bolo and cut some firewood just in the nearby bushes. In short, in just less than a month, poor orphans lost their beloved house, the only priced family legacy they had! Both stories seem to be an ice breaking laughing stock, but before we open our mouth to growl that giggling hark, ponder rather on the fact that we are actually about to laugh at ourselves.

Cagban Island and Duot shorelines are priced ‘ducks’ nature has bestowed on the people of Gigaquit. The ‘golden’ white sands are glittering -- always inviting everyone to come and enjoy the bounty God has given us. However, some unwanted ‘thieves’, others maybe us, came and rob the place of its beauty. Both the wrath of nature and those of men combined had been the silent and slow-paced typhoon that slowly ‘melt’ the bastion of Gigaquit’s defense. Our 'parents' had just abandoned us. Could we just look at our house being gnawed by our own pride and irresponsibility?

The future of Gigaquit town is in the offing – a disaster. Unless humans intervene, if not God, hopes can rekindle our forebears’ long lost hope in the new generation. Gone were the times when nature seemed to appear helping the people topple Muslim conquerors – a myth that put them to just merely rely the solution to thy kingdom come. Now, with the nature playing the different role, to whom will the people rest their fate? Saint Augustine might scold you: Get up my son, help yourself, then I will give you strength…

Now, could you, fellow Gigaquitnons, just merely watch as Gigaquit beauties crumble?


By: ANALIZA Parian - Tabacon LIBAGO

Villaflor Elementary School (VIES) is located at Barangay Villaflor, approximately 4 kilometers from the town of Gigaquit, province of Surigao del Norte. It has a total land area of 11,600 sq. meters which was acquired through the donation of the three education minded person.

Formal education began at around 1930’s with a lone teacher named Juan Bayor, teaching grades I-III where classes were held in big house owned by a certain Julio Canda, a native of barangay Villaflor. Unfortunately classes were interrupted due to Second World War (1941-1945).

After the war, a classroom made of nipa was built on a lot donated by President Nicolas (Loloc) Enano. There were only two teachers who were teaching combination classes. Mr. Delfin Enano handled grades I and II and Mrs. Judith (Nene) Cotecson Chua for grade III and IV. Thus, the school was named Villaflor Primary School.

In the early part of 1950 a two-room Gabaldon model school building was built on a lot donated by Mrs. Carmen Vda. De Egay. At the opening of school year 1950-1951 regular classes for primary grades started even if the said building was still under construction. Still, there were two teachers assigned and handling multi-grade classes namely; Mrs. Lucena (Sinang) Egay, for grades I and II and Mr. Juan Señoren, for grades III and IV who at the same time the school head. The enrolment was more than thirty pupils per grade.

Other teachers who were assigned from 1950-1951 were Mrs. Leticia (Letty) Lim Cuabo, Mrs. Restituta Sistona, Mrs. Rizalina (Saling) Pepino, Mr. Leonardo (Dandoy) Beroy, and Mr. Carlos Paña.

In 1964, the said building was devastated by a strong typhoon named Louise which caused the emergence of a new two-room army-type school building in 1972 which was built on a lot donated by Teniente del Barrio Pio Bayang.

From 1960-1980, the following teachers assigned were Mrs. Ma. Elena B.Veyra, Mrs. Teresita P. Leyros, Mrs. Anita M. Eledia, Mrs. Regina N. Beniga, Mrs. Lucia B. Quidlat and Mrs. Paterna T. Baradillo. Mrs Anita M. Eledia served as the school-in-charge from 1969-1980.

Four additional classrooms were gradually built from 1988 to 1995. In fact, it was in 1995 when the grade six classroom was constructed under the leadership of Brgy. Captain Pastor Guibao through the initiative of Congressman Robert Z. Barbers. Moreover, it was in this same year when the first batch of six-year elementary curriculum graduated wherein there were only 14 graduates.

The following teachers who were assigned from 1986 to 1997 were Mrs. Paterna Baradillo, Mrs. Angelita C. Pingal, Mrs. Sotero Balagbis, Mrs. Ediltrudes Balagbis, Mrs. Geletolia Dalagan, Mrs. Eusenia O. Portillano and Mrs. Valeria A. Jaranta who served as the school-in-charge.

Teachers who were assigned from 1998-1999 were the following; Miss Tilda C. Paray, Mr. Lope C. Papelleras, Mr. Jose L. Bonite, Jr., Mr. Daniel Sistona, Mrs. Delia T. Fernandez, Mrs. Florencia B. Peruda (School Board Teacher), Mrs. Leonila Gulle, and Mrs. Jesusa L. Pagulong. From 2000 to 2006, teachers were Mrs. Analiza T. Libago, Mr. Samuel S. Libago, Mrs. Virgilia Ercillo, Miss Ma. Goretti E. Paglinawan, Mrs. Dahlia C. Coleto (school Board Teacher), Mrs. Cerenia B. Cadlum (school board teacher), Mr. Rafael L. Escabal, Mrs. Vilma G. Fernandez, Mr. Pedro H. Lofranco and Miss Arlene L. Guibao (school board teacher).

In 1998, Mr. Jose L. Bonite, Jr., was appointed as school in-charge. He was then replaced by Mr. Lope C. Papelleras who was assigned as Head Teacher I in 1999. Bonite was reassigned as School In-charge in 2000 as replacement of Papelleras who was at time assigned in Mahanub Elementary School. He was upgraded to Head Teacher I in year 2001 and served until 2004. However, in S.Y. 2003-2004 he was assigned as cluster head of two complete elementary schools namely; Villaflor Elementary School and Villafranca Elementary School. Since his main office was in Villafranca Elementary School, he designated Mr. Samuel Silvosa Libago as assistant of school head. When clustering of school was abolished in September, 2004 Mr. Libago was assigned as School In-charge under the supervision of the District In-charge Mrs. Carmencita G. Naldoza.

As of school year 2006-2007, teachers assigned are as follow; Mr. Rafael Larong Escabal (Grade I Adviser), Mrs. Vilma G. Fernandez Grade II Adviser), Mr. Pedro H. Lofranco (Grade III Adviser ), Miss Arlene L. Guibao ( Grade IV- school board teacher ), Mrs. Analiza T. Libago ( Grade V & VI Adviser), and Mr. Samuel S. Lobago (School In- charge).

In school year 2004-2005 the population of the pupils enrolled have reached 185. For school year 2005-2006 the enrolled decreased to 143 and increased again in school year 2006-2007 with a total enrolled of 151 pupils.

Mr. Samuel S. Libago and Mrs. Analiza Tabacon – Libago at St. Augustine Church.

Interview with former Town Mayor Hon. Domingo Perral

December 9, 2007
By Rey Tupal

GOL: Congratulations for winning the recent Barangay elections.
Hon. Domingo Perral: Thank you.

GOL: May we know your plans for the further development of Brgy. San Isidro?
Hon. Domingo Perral: Improve the living condition of the Barangay constituencies by giving projects mostly needed by the people especially the farmers.

GOL: How are you going to achieve these plans?
Hon. Domingo Perral: By keeping the Barangay funds fully secured from graft practices. Find ways and means to secure additional funds for the Barangay.

GOL: As former Mayor of the Municipality of Gigaquit, what were your major achievements during your term?
Hon. Domingo Perral: Projects implemented during my incumbency for twelve (12) years as Municipal mayor of Gigaquit, to wit:
1. Municipal streets concreting
2. Repair and improvement of the Municipal Building and premises.
3. Constructed a Municipal Town House for rent by visitors.
4. Improved the Municipal Plaza with extension area by reclaiming the forest area beside the pastoral house.
5. Constructed fish and crab ponds beside the Town House.
6. Constructed farms-to-market roads in various barangays.
7. Constructed bridges in sitio Poctoy in Brgy. Ipil and in sitio Poyo-Poyo in Brgy. Villaflor.
8. Constructed river dikes in Gigaquit beach, Mahanub River and San Antonio River.
9. Constructed model waiting sheds in various barangays
10. Constructed two-room with spacious sala building for visiting government officials of various agencies in Barangay Sico-sico.
11. Constructed additional irrigation dikes in Barangay Villafranca and Poniente through the irrigators association.
12. Constructed Day Care Centers in Sitio Nagubat and in Barangay Anibongan.
13. Constructed a two-room school building (30% unfinished) in LASICAM Perral National High School in Barangay Sico-sico.

GOL: What advises can you give to the new Mayor for the betterment of our town?
Hon. Domingo Perral: Make a reconciliation efforts to unite the people of Gigaquit to achieve progress be setting aside politics for the meantime.

GOL: Any other matters that you would like to convey to all Gigaquitnons?
Hon. Domingo Perral: I wish that the people of Gigaquit be always under the guidance of the Almighty to achieve peace and progress.

GOL: Thank you very much Sir for sharing your time and thoughts with us.

The latter served Gigaquit as a Mayor since 1992 up to 2001 and was re-elected last 2004 until 2007. He recently won the Barangay Election last May, 2007 and now he focused his service as a Barangay Chairman to his constituents in Brgy. San Isidro.

Gigaquit Civic Club: Images of the First Year in Fellowship

Posted by Steven Egay
For the Gigaquit Civic Club
December 15, 2007

Nov. 24, 2006. "Gimik" after meeting

Dec. 5 , 2006. Meeting at Pollo Negro Restaurant in Makati City

Dec. 16, 2007. Christmas Party at Mr. Samuel Senoren

Jan. 20, 2007. Meeting at Syncopado Bar

Feb. 23, 2007. Signing of SEC documents

May 27, 2007. Outing at Island Cove

August 18, 2007. Launching of Gigaquit Online

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SAI hosts 3rd DCHS CUP ‘07

Contributed by Mr. Ronald Eupena

SAI hosts 3rd DCHS CUP ‘07

Five aspiring schools joined in the 3rd Diocesan Catholic High School Sports fest 2007 held at Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit last Oct. 30-31 2007.

The two-day activity aims to promote camaraderie and oneness among the students of the diocese of Surigao, particularly in the Diocesan Catholic High Schools (DCHS) family. “Teach minds, Touch hearts and Transform Lives”, is the theme for this year’s “3rd DCHS Sports fest where San Nicolas Academy of Mainit, San Nicolas School of Dapa, Jesus Cabarrus Catholic School of Nonoc, Saint John’s School of Bacuag, San Nicolas High School of Anao-aon, and Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit enjoy the said event.

The Most Rev. Bishop Antonietto D. Cabajog, DD officiates the Holy Eucharistic Mass with his concelebrants Rev. Fr. Jun A. Balberia ,DCS, Rev. Fr. Larry Espuerta ,DCS. After celebrating the Mass a parade follows wherein all delegates from different Catholic Schools join the said parade. And then, ribbon cutting follows to formally open the 2007 3rd DCHS Sports fest by most Rev. Bishop. It was followed by an opening program wherein one of the highlight was the banner rising. Furthermore, the audiences were flourish w/ a series of presentation wherein Saint John’s School of Bacuag and Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit show DLC presentation, San Nicolas Academy of Mainit and San Nicolas School of Dapa shines as they present their cheer dance, San Nicolas High School of Anao-aon expressed their talents through dancing, was and Jesus Cabarrus Catholic School of Nonoc present their yell. Everyone enjoy in the opening program even though the weather is quietly bad.

In the night of the first day is the musical variety show and talent night hosted by Vanessa Jane J. Go and John Vincent J. Go. It was followed by a Fellowship/Socialization- a disco that is a get-together disco in particular.

The second day start with a mass, which are attended by the participating schools. After the mass, was the continuation of joy that calls the attention of everybody. For, even though, it rain hard, still the students enjoy their game under the heavy rain. They play, they scream and they shout as a support for their players.

In the night was the Search for Mr. And Ms. DCHS Cup 2007, which were the very highlights of the two-day affair. Thus, SAI’s candidates Daisy Mae A. Bersabal and Ennocent John G. Commandante were hailed first runner-up.

Indeed, the schools who participated the 3rd DCHS Sports fest ’07 were very glad and joyful for the success that everybody made especially to the efforts of Saint Augustine Institute Alumni Association, faculty and staff, SGO officers, parents and the sponsors. To all delegates and the hosts school CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done#

Gigaquit Parish & Youth Formation Team Set Off to Camiguin Island

Gigaquit Parish & Youth Formation Team Set Off to Camiguin Island
By: Jojo M. Patosa

Sixteen formators headed by Rev. Fr. Jun A. Balberia, DCS went to Camiguin Island on October 12-13, 2007 for spiritual strengthening, retreat and excursion.

The island retreat was conceived after giving successive Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) Revitalization and Youth Orientation Seminars to the different Chapels that belonged to Gigaquit Parish.

Upon arrival at TIAS Beach Resort in Mambajao which was their haven for the two day excursion, they immediately proceeded to an ex SVD priest, Hon. Jam Baclayo which offered them basketful of very sweet lanzones.

After the enriching spiritual talk, sharing and insights given by Hon. Jam Baclayo, the team immediately proceeded to the different beautiful spots that Camiguin Island had to offer. The team roamed the entire island. Sunken Cemetery, Ardent Hot Spring, Mt. Hibok-hibok and Katibawasan Falls were some of the spots that they’ve gone into.

The two day retreat and excursion was indeed a very enriching experience.

Click image below to see more photos . . .

Mass Oath-taking of New Barangay Officials of Gigaquit ‏ 2007

Congressman Guillermo (Jun) Romarate Spares
By. Brgy. Capt Loreto B. Laurena


The ever supportive congressman of Surigao del Norte, 2nd district, Hon. Guillermo (Jun) Romarate shared an amount to defray expenses of the Mass Oath Taking ceremony of the newly elected Brgy. and SK officials of the municipality of Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte. The Oath taking was done last Nov. 25, 2007 at Gigaquit Multipurpose building, administered by Congressman Guillermo (Jun) Romarate. It was so lively and successful. At night there was Disco Mania which was participated by danceable people and youth as well.

More photos . . .

Barangay Ipil Election and Oath Taking Ceremony

Barangay Ipil Election and Oath Taking Ceremony
By: Kag. Ma. Elena B. Veyra

October 29, 2007 barangay election was just finished. Thanks God it was a very peaceful election.

Administration candidates won. Loreto B. Laurena was re-elected barangay captain. Barangay kagawads: Ma. Elena B. Veyra won as no. 1 kagawad followed by Jaime D. Palulay, Rosalina A. Cutamora, Len A. Verano, Jenny A. Confessor, independent candidate Cresencio Latoga and one from the opposition Ricky M. Natonio.

Oath taking ceremony followed which was administered by Gigaquit Municipal Mayor, Hon. Carlos M. Egay, Sr. last Nov. 15, 2007 at Ipil Barangay Hall, Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte. Municipal officials and different office department heads witnessed the occasion. Different Brgy. captains attended during the affair and visitors too. Residents of the said barangay were present except some of the oppositionists were not around. The oath taking was successful and lively since there were colorful presentations in the program. The newly elected barangay officials presented a dance number headed by Brgy. Capt. Loreto B. Laurena with his wife Norma P. Laurena.

The photos . . .

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“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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