Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GCC Scholar # 3 and # 4 Enrolled

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 16, 2011

David Catindoy and Merejoy Pecatoste, the so-called GCC scholars # 3 and # 4 respectively, will proceed with their second semester of their first year college studies at the Mindanao State University.
All expenses of the above students are sponsored by the Gigaquit Municipal Government.
Mrs. Alma Berrowa, a Gigaquitnon who is currently the Dean of MSU's College of Social Sciences is their guardian.

This project is monitored by Mr. David Neuda of the Gigaquit Municipal Government, assisted by Mr. Roy Pepino of the Gigaquit Civic Club.
For mode updates, please see >>

Friday, November 11, 2011 : Where to?

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 11, 2011

By:  Steven E

Facebook has come of age and it revolutionized the way we communicate. It used to be a one-way traffic as only those with websites often post news in the world wide web. But this time information has been bounced to one another in a more interactive manner. Virtually anyone with access to the internet can participate in the exchange of information in cyberspace. Facebook so far has been the most effective in linking people and facilitating communication.

The Gigaquit Civic Club used to have a website . . . the "". But you may wonder where it is now. It cannot be found anymore in the internet. We at GCC realized that it is very tedious to maintain. Though the graphics design and the presentation was much better, it proved to be a difficult operation to run. A fulltime staff is needed to update it periodically. Unfortunately, the GCC does not have the funds to pay for the salary of a website designer.

But the Gigaquit Civic Club found an alternative. And that is to utilize existing websites that offer free templates and services. Among them are blogsites. They are very easy to maintain as they have standard free templates that one can use. For the contents we published in the former, we migrated the data to, and after closing this site, migrated the contents to

We also created which now serves as a sort of a portal for all websites made regarding Gigaquit. It is supposed to serve as a news blogsite but maintaining a "news correspondents group" has been made obsolete by Facebook. Anyone now can be a news reporter.

Mabuhi an mga Gigaquitnons!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

GCC Scholar #0002 Enrolled

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 8, 2011 

Mr. Jun Galolo, the scholar #2 is already enrolled but on provision only as he was not able to meet all the requirements to maintain his scholarship.  He has no failing grades though this first semester of his first year of schooling, and he showed tenacity to finish college.  Hence, he is given another chance to prove his capability this second semester.

The donor shouldering all of his tuition fee is Mrs. Angela Larong Macasero.
His guardians are Mr. Lino Uzon and his wife, Councilor Fe Uzon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Breakdown of Donations for Scholar # 0001 / Third Year, First Sem 2011

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 7, 2011

Donors and Amount (Tuition Fee only):

Vice Gov. Carlos Egay Jr.  P5,000
Mayor Carlos M. Egay, Sr. P5,000
Mrs. Evelyn Egay P8,400

TOTAL P 18,400

Friday, October 28, 2011

Scholar's Pledge - Charliemen Ellorico Asilum

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
October 28, 2011

Scholar's Pledge - Charlie Asilum

Friday, June 17, 2011

GCC Scholar # 1: Summer Vacation 2011

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 17, 2011

Some activities of Charlie Asilum, GCC Scholar # 1 during summer vacation 2011.
This June 2011 will be back to school again and "burn that midnight oil" to finish schooling.  Will be 3rd-year college this coming school year  . . .

(kindly click the photo you want to view in larger image;
press Esc to return to original size)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

GCC Scholar#2: An Angel to the Rescue

Jun Galolo, the shy scholar.

Some Angels must be listening when some distress souls call.
Mrs. Angela Larong Macasero has answered the calls of the Gigaquit Civic Club for support. With a generous heart she committed to shoulder all the tuition fee and related expenses for Jun Galolo (GCC scholar #2) at least for the first semester of School Year 2011. She already sent an initial amount, proof that she is a woman of action not just of words.

Angela Larong

The Gigaquit Civic Club is hoping for more Angels to come.

Mabuhi an mga Gigaquitnons!

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
June 9, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

GCC Scholar # 2: Jun Galolo Enrolled at Surigao State College of Technology

Photo Source:  Mindanews

With kind financial support from some Gigaquitnons, Jun Galolo GCC scholar #2 was able to enrol at the Surigao State College of Technology last week of May, 2011

Jun Galolo in his new school.

The guardians: Mr. Lino Uzon and Mrs. Fe Uzon

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
June 3, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

GCC is now 4 years old

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 27, 2011

May 23, 2011 marks the 4th year since the Gigaquit Civic Club has been registered with the Securities and Exchanged Commission. No drinks, celebrations and parties . . . but busy working on its "Operation Tabang Paeskuyla Project".

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photo of the five applicants for GCC Scholarship #2

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 22, 2011

GCC Scholars finalists, seated front in light blue blouse, Merejoy B. Pecatoste GNSHI, San Isidro. in brown blouse Lucy F. Saiz GNSHI, Villafranca. back standing, pink shirt Sulpisio D. Galolo Jr. GNSHI Mahanub(GCC Scholar#2). in blue shirt, Jovani A. Ata SAI Villafranca. in yellow shirt, David E. Catindoy GNSHI Villafranca.

By Mr. Roy Pepino

Thursday, May 12, 2011

GCC Scholar #0002 Selected

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 12, 2011

Reported by Mr. Roy Pepino, Head of the Screening Committee.
May 11, 2011

Good day my friends in GCC, we have completed the selection process of GCC Scholar #2 it's not a number anymore, his name is Sulpicio Galolo Jr. from Mahanub. He was selected from the final 3 which i presented to the guardian Mrs. Fe O. Uzon one of our town's Municipal Councilor.

Selection process was close, we have 14 applicants, 5 from SAI and 9 from GNSHI. Out of the 14 applicants, only 5 showed up for the interview and all 5 of them are similar, in family background, academic achievements 87.5 and up grades, economic situations. Any of them won't be able to attend College without some sort of financial assistance, and they all are ambition driven to attend college. Four of them are from outside poblacion barangays and they motorcycle fare everytime i ask them to meet me in town. Sometimes their fares borrowed from someone.

The remaining 4 of the 5 we interviewed, were the following:

1. Jovani Ata from Villafranca, salutatorian from SAI. He passed the seminarian exam but without a benefactor, he wont be admitted.

2. Merejoy B. Pecatoste of GNSHI, from Bangyag San Isidro. She is admitted to Marawi State University, technology curriculum. I have requested our Mayor to help her financial requirements and he will refer her to the Governor or to Congressman Romarate.

3. David E. Catindoy of GNSHI, from Duyos Villafranca, and like Merejoy he is admitted to Marawi State University, Baccalaureate curriculum, and also awaiting sponsorship from the Governor or Congressman.

4. Lucy Saiz of GNSHI, from Villafranca and is a working student throughout her high school. She, like Jovani are still awaiting any sponsorship in order to attend college.

We were not aware that the two MSU Examinees made enough score to be admitted until yesterday when i asked them to meet me in town in order to find out since i personally knew recent graduates from MSU and i asked them to make inquiries, and they found out that their names were on the list, so we inquired in school GN and at the post office and there they were since Feb. undelivered, and we ended up spending the whole day yesterday trying to find sponsors (they still need additional assistance as they are only partial scholars at MSU) until i thought about requesting the Mayor which took their names to the Governor and Congressman.

I will be going back to the two that has not have anything yet. Nobody will be left behind.

What i found out from this experience reinforced what i have felt for over ten years now since i came home. If you open yourself to your community, you will find a purpose in life far greater than you could imagine. We are talking about the future of our youth, our Gigaquit, nation and ourselves. What could be greater than that? If your measure of wealth is by how much you share yourself to others, then you feel what i felt.

Sometime next week before they will start on their new journey, i will be posting their picture here.

Thank you so much for the opportunity, it was such a pleasure.

The Gigaquit Civic Club wish to thank Mr. Roy Pepino and the other members of the committee, Mrs. Teresita Natad and Mr Rudy Nasi.

Also for the recommendations and advices of Mrs. Eliza Escabal of GNSHI and Mr. Nickson Buctuan of SAI.

All of them made this process successful.

This is only a start. GCC will keep you posted on future updates regarding Scholar#2.

Friday, April 8, 2011

GCC Scholar #0001 Finished 2nd year 2nd Semester with Impressive Results

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 8, 2011

Grades obtained by Mr. Charlimen Asilum as 2nd year (2nd semester) student . . .

Charlie A grades 2nd yr 2nd sem - A -

Charlie A grades 2nd yr 2nd sem - B

Saturday, April 2, 2011

GCC Scholar #0001 2nd Year Accomplishments

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 2, 2011

As guardian of our GCC Scholar #0001 Charlie Asilum, I am pleased to report that during his 2nd year as BS Information Technology student at College of St. Catherine College in Quezon City, our scholar has showed leadership in school, in addition to his outstanding academic accomplishments. In particular, wish to inform everyone that he was elected in their student government as follows:

1. Vice-President of the Supreme Student Council of the entire College that includes all students of all College courses of their school.

2. President for all 2nd year IT students.

3. Secretary of entire IT Department which includes IT students from 1st year to 4th year.

I have strong hope that he will continue and remain focused on doing a great job in school as he enters his 3rd year of studies this June 2011.

May I request everyone to include in your prayers the continued success of our scholar.

Mabuhi an Gigaquitnons!

Breakdown of Donations for Scholar # 0001 / 2nd sem 2010

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 2, 2011

Donors and Amount:
Magilok Entertainment (Hukot Boksing) P4,000
Vice Gov. Carlos Egay Jr. P 5,000
Mayor Carlos M. Egay, Sr. 5,000
Mrs. Evelyn Egay 2,300
TOTAL P 16,300

Saturday, March 19, 2011

GCC Scholarship #0002 / Guardians

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 19, 2011

We wish to thank Mr. Lino and Mrs. Fe Uzon for accepting the challenge of becoming the guardian of our GCC Scholar #0002. We also thank the efforts of our GCC counterparts in Gigaquit Town, especially Mr. Roy Pepino for facilitating the search of guardians and currently in the screening process of candidate scholars.

We still have a lot of work to do in the coming days.

To all our beloved Gigaquitnons, we hope that you will also extend financial support for our GCC Scholar #2 in the same way that you have been supporting our GCC Scholar #1

Mabuhi an Gigaquitnons!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Applicants for GCC Scholarship # 0002

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 16, 2011

Applicants for GCC Scholarship #2 -

Latest Comments on Gigaquit Civic Club Reports

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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