Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GOL Digest Volume 9

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 23, 2009

Greetings to all Gigaquitnons!

Under this Volume 9 of GOL topics compilations, the stories that we bring to you is a mixture of sadness and happiness. Sad because we know what happened to our beloved Doot Beach. Though surely this beauty can be "reclaimed" in the future, it will take years or even decades before this is realized. On the other hand, we are pleased to tell everyone how proud I am as a Gigaquitnon due to the positive responses when we sent the appeal for financial support for our Scholarship Project. As Capt. Mario Recentes fondly mention "Proud Gigaquitnon" in his write-up, I believe now that this can be more than words after we showed by our actions how great we are indeed. As I mentioned in my previous messages, there are Gigaquitnons who will rise up to the challenge. The recent events showed how true this is. I would like to specifically mention the following who unselfishly shared their hard-earned money just to get our Scholarship Project going:

Mrs. Grace Roa Gonzales
Ms. Elvie Paray
Atty. Fernando Larong
Miss Gina U
Ms. Letecia Egay
Mrs. Ophelia Esperon Lopez

But then again, i know deep in my heart that aside from the above, there are other Gigaquitnons . . . many other Gigaquitnons who will also rise up to the challenge. We will see this in the coming months or years. I am confident of that.

Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Steven A. Egay
GCC President

Saturday, June 20, 2009

GCC Scholarship#0001 Update June 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 20, 2009

Finally, due to the kindness of several concerned Gigaquitnons, our 1st GCC scholar was able to enrol and start attending classes since school opened this June 15, 2009. For more details on this topic click here . . .

In particular, the Gigaquit Civic Club would like to cite the following Gigaquitnons (with their "initial" donations):

Mrs. Grace Roa Gonzales P2,000 (cash)

Ms. Elvie Paray P500 (remittance)

Atty. Fernando Larong P5,000 (remittance)

Miss Gina U P3,022 (cash)

Ms. Letecia Egay P2,500 (cash)

Mrs. Ophelia Esperon Lopez P10,000 (pledged)

TOTAL: P23,022

So far, money disbursed as of June 15, 2009 as follows:

Transportation from Gigaquit to Manila P2,500

School 1st installment P4,000

School Uniform P500

TOTAL: P7,000

Remaining cash: P6,022

Remaining Pledge: P10,000

Installment balance for 1st semester:

Prelim July P2,066

Midterm September P2,066

Finals October P2,066

TOTAL: P6,198

Gigaquitnons proved that we have not forgotten our less fortunate kababayans. In this "social experiment" the Gigaquitnon triumphed!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at http://gigaquitnons.ning.com/

Friday, June 19, 2009

GCC Scholar#0001 Starts Schooling

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 19, 2009

Without much formalities, the 1st GCC scholar went for his first day of school last June 15, 2009 at St. Catherine College in Quezon City.

The school facade

Posing near the school entrance

With housemate Jerry Lasala

A warm send-off by GCC volunteer Bobot Natonio

A minute with the guardian Steve Egay

Originally posted by Steve Egay at http://gigaquitnons.ning.com/

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Opening of Classes. . .

Posted by REGIE DEDUMO on June 2, 2009 at 12:03pm at http://gnshionline.ning.com/
Yesterday - June 1, 2009 is the opening of classes for School Year 2009-2010.The neophyte students (First Year) are very excited to meet their classmates to be as they were very prompt in reporting to the school during the first day of classes. The old students wore their school uniform but the others did not. There are still students who have that Filipino habit, that even they knew that classes begin on June 1, still they do not report to school, and others were still enrolling during that day.

The GNSHI teachers are also prompt in reporting to school before the flag raising ceremony. This is because they do not want to miss the first day and so very busy preparing their classrooms.

As a matter of tradition, after the flag raising the Head of the Related Subjects Department – Ma’am Inday Pingal, gave orientation to the neophyte students relative to the school rules and regulations and reminded the old students to be the model to the neophytes.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at http://gigaquitnons.ning.com/

Latest Comments on Gigaquit Civic Club Reports

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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Its easy to share wherever you are in the world. The Gigaquit Civic Club has a bank account with Banco de Oro. Please e-mail us at gigaquitonline@gmail.com so we can send you GCC's bank details.

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