Monday, May 20, 2013

GCC 6th Year Anniversary and Reorganization

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May 20, 2013

Dear Fellow Gigaquitnons,

Gigaquit CiviC Club (GCC) cordially invites you to attend our 6th year anniversary and general assembly on May 23, 2013 at 7pm.   Venue will be at Writers Bar, Fairmont Hotel in Makati City.

Your presence is highly encouraged as we need to choose and elect our new set of officers for 2013.  We do not have any membership conditions except that you must be a Gigaquitnon based in or near Metro Manila.

We are counting on your support and participation. Please feel free to contact Ms. Analee Patosa at 0932-4223628 for any questions or concerns. You may also email Analee at

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely yours,

(Sgd.) Steven A. Egay
Gigaquit Civic Club, Outgoing President

You may click here for the letter version . . .

Guide to the venue click this -->> Writers Bar

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“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”.
- Charliemen Asilum, GCC Scholar, Cum Laude Graduating Class 2013, College of St. Catherine Quezon City

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Its easy to share wherever you are in the world. The Gigaquit Civic Club has a bank account with Banco de Oro. Please e-mail us at so we can send you GCC's bank details.

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