Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mass Oath-taking of New Barangay Officials of Gigaquit ‏ 2007

Congressman Guillermo (Jun) Romarate Spares
By. Brgy. Capt Loreto B. Laurena


The ever supportive congressman of Surigao del Norte, 2nd district, Hon. Guillermo (Jun) Romarate shared an amount to defray expenses of the Mass Oath Taking ceremony of the newly elected Brgy. and SK officials of the municipality of Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte. The Oath taking was done last Nov. 25, 2007 at Gigaquit Multipurpose building, administered by Congressman Guillermo (Jun) Romarate. It was so lively and successful. At night there was Disco Mania which was participated by danceable people and youth as well.

More photos . . .

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