Sunday, November 18, 2007


Originally posted at around November 2007

By: Rey Tupal
SIManTx Computers and Communication Shop

Entrepreneurship in simple term means making business on your own by making your ideas happen in response to a need of your clientele. This is normally a risky undertaking and oftentimes difficult but realistically monetary rewarding. The most important factor of making a business is the idea; which by utilizing the proper business elements, this can be innovatively translated into a great profit through proper execution. Ideas won’t work unless you put it into action; if you lack courage to start it, you are already finished. There should be no shortcuts to be taken. Serious and calculated business moves added with personal character are some other factors that determine your path to success.

Capital (puhunan) is an essential part of putting up a business. Many of us are apprehensive in starting a business because they lack money to start it. But, puhunan does not only mean money. You can utilize your skill, talent, time and even your personal strength and by using these God’s given resources, you can have a good start to put up a small business.

It is easy to start your own business. The harder part is to maintain it and the hardest is to sustain it! The best way to maintain what you have started is to personally direct it. Invest ample time to manage it and make a special business relationship with your customers. Clients tend to come back if they find added value on their spent money; whether from your products, customer service or even on your personal approach to them. So, try to find unique marketing strategies and project a friendly impression to them. Treasure your customers as they will bring you riches. They will form a big vital part for your business survival. Self motivation is another key to keep your business going and keeping technically abreast with your services and products gives you a better edge over your competitors. These are just some general tips that can be simply applied in going into your own.

The risk of failing is always present but through proper management, right contacts and positive attitude, surely, your business will prosper. You may fall many times, but in falling you will learn, and in learning, you will find your way. Remember, there are no mistakes in life – only lessons. And lessons will keep on repeating themselves until being learned. Never admit failure until you give up your last attempt and never give up your last attempt until you succeed. View a negative experience in your business like how you look at a photo negative. A single negative can create an unlimited number of positive prints.

Lastly, generate employment. We make a living by what we get but we make life by what we give!

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