Friday, January 11, 2008

GOL Digest Volume 3

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

A year had passed already since the idea of creating a Rotary Club-type of organization for Gigaquitnons was born. At this time, the Gigaquit Civic Club is still a small group but we are pleased with the way things are taking shape even though all that needs to be done to achieve that dream of a modern and prosperous Gigaquit is still a long way to go. But we at GCC recognize that this need not be a daunting task. As the question goes . . . “how do you eat an elephant”? The answer is . . . “eat it one piece at a time”! Don’t swallow it at once as that would be impossible! Likewise, GCC’s vision cannot be achieved overnight. It will take years, decades . . . perhaps a lifetime? Many of my colleagues are in their mid-30’s and we sometimes say . . . Gigaquit Online was achieved within one year . . . so if we have one major project every year just think how many things we could have achieved when we reach (God willing) 70 years old!

One interesting motto is that of the United States Marines. It goes like this. . . “Always Outnumbered But Never Out Fought”! This is something that members of GCC can identify or relate to because we are few but seemed able to deliver somehow. In fact, many committee meetings involve only 3 to 4 persons at a time. Seldom does a quorum is at full strength. So what made the U.S. Marines able to perform as such with fewer numbers? Are they superior to the other soldiers? Maybe proper recruitment and selection are big factors. And so do discipline and rigid training. But another very important factor that is not often mentioned is equipment and logistics.

Just like the Marines, GCC’s target of at least one major project a year cannot be achieved by sheer “grit” alone. We need support and assistance. The soldiers perform well in the field due to the numerous units that are involved behind the scenes. There are many who love our town as much as GCC-members do . . . perhaps even more. These are the ones we at GCC count on. We know they will rise up to the challenge in time. They can contribute through any of the 3 T’s . . . Time, Talent and/or Treasure.

Many Gigaquitnons share our cause and are actively or soon will be actively helping in several GCC activities. We therefore conceptualize the GCC Volunteers corps in order to achieve teamwork among them. For now, we are forming the GCC Hometown Volunteers that is made up of Gigaquitnons residing currently in the mother town. With them, the Manila-based GCC can implement the projects more effectively.

Regarding our Scholarship program, the GCC Education Committee has already started initial discussions in order to thresh out the details of the mechanics. We hope and pray that we will hear not only interests from those seeking assistance but also from those who wish to support this endeavor.

Christmas is a season of giving. But we hope that among Gigaquitnons, the spirit of Christmas will not just be seasonal, but rather, a continuous disposition.

Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Steven A. Egay
GCC President

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