Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GCC Bowl-A-Thon

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
April 30, 2013

Designed by Emil Canda

A Fundraising Bowling Tournament for the benefit of the Gigaquit Civic Club - Excel Gigaquitnons /  Scholarship Project

Date: Sunday, May 19, 2013  at 2:00pm

Venue:  Coronado Lanes, Starmall EDSA, 4th Level (Beside MRT Shaw Station) Mandaluyong City

For inquiries, please send email to gigaquitonline@gmail.com

The ticket sample . . .
Designed by Rey Tupal


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bowl-A-Thon Planning Session

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
May 8, 2013

Bowl-A-Thon Planning Session
Date:  March 8, 2013
Venue:  Filling Station Restaurant, Royal Bellagio Hotel, Makati City
Photos courtesy of Analee Patosa

Having fun . . .

Friday, April 26, 2013

Charliemen Ellorico Asilum - GNSHIan Pride

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
April 26, 2013

Tarpaulin designed and donated by Mr. Rey Tupal

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Graduation Speech by Charliemen Ellorico Asilum

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
April 9, 2013

Charliemen Asilum is GCC Scholar #0001.  He finished Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Cum Laude at the College of St. Catherine in Quezon City.

This was his graduation speech as Cum Laude (he wrote this by himself and he delivered it eloquently without reading all the way) . . .

The time has come to harvest the fruits of our labour, the result of four years of persistence and struggle.  I know that we all deserve it because from the beginning, we have given all our best. Despite the problems and obstacles we had encountered, we remained to be determined and willing to finish our battle to the end.

My fellow graduates. Let’s not wait for the opportunities to come. Let us go confidently in the direction of our dreams and live the life we have imagined. Let us go, find and seek for it. But we must not forget that life is a continuous process of learning. As we tend to have experiences, we must learn to realize and internalize the lessons we obtained from it. Let us seek and crave for learning because learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with passion and attended to with diligence.

After this, we may part ways pursuing our dreams, looking for ourselves and searching for our place in this world. And I hope that this is not the end but a start of something new in our lives, something that will make our life meaningful not only for us but also to others. Let us share the blessings we are receiving because I believe that a blessing that is not shared does not serve its worth, meaning and purpose.

As we receive our diploma, let us not forget to thank those who helped us build our dreams: our Alma Mater which made us strong and proud Catherinians, our teachers who imparted to us invaluable knowledge and taught us the realities of life, our parents and guardians who were always there all the time especially when we have problems and adversities.

I would like to personally thank my guardians, Mr. Steven Egay and Mrs. Evelyn Egay for supporting me financially, morally and spiritually and for guiding me all the time. I know that without you, I would not be standing here in front.

To my classmates, the “IT’SOK” group of IT students. Thank you so much for making me feel that I am not alone, for giving me your trust, for being my brothers and sisters, and for being my faithful and true friends. Also to my schoolmates, thank you for making my stay here in College of St. Catherine worthwhile.

To my family, my brothers and sisters, to my father: wherever you may be right now, I know that you are so proud of me. Thank you and I miss you so much. To my mother: though you are not here today, I know how proud you are to see me here on stage. Thank you so much for having me as your son, for being my loving mother, for taking care of me since birth, for teaching me the right path and for being my inspiration. Ma, I dedicate this all to you.

To those I forgot to include, thank you so much for you untiring support and dedication.

And to the Almighty Father for the guidance, knowledge, and wisdom. I know Lord God that without You, I am nothing.

As I end this speech, I would like you, my fellow graduates, to always remember this. “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome”. Congratulations to all of us!     

Monday, April 8, 2013

Charliemen Ellorico Asilum, Cum Laude

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
April 8, 2013

Congratulations to GCC Scholar #0001 Charliemen Ellorico Asilum for finishing Cum Laude at the College of St. Catherine in Quezon City!  He took up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

Graduation time March 22, 2013 . . .

Charlie delivering his speech as Cum Laude

The stage

Well deserved congratulations from teachers and peers

With the proud brother

The very pleased guardian

Cum Laude medal and special award for Best in Programming

Certificate for the Guardian.  From second year onwards, the tuition fee and all other expenses of GCC Scholar#1 were voluntarily shouldered by Steven Egay.

To see other photos click here.

To see bakcground of scholar #1 click here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Status of financial support to Scholars # 5 and # 6 for this 2nd Semester SY 2012-13 GCC Excel Gigaquitnons Project

Posted by Steven Egay for the Gigaquit Civic Club
April 2, 2013

Photo credit:  http://www.lochbuie.org/

The Gigaquit Civic Club is very thankful to the people who supported our Scholars #5 and #6 during this second semester SY2012-13. These kind-hearted individuals are . . .

Mana Grace Gonzalez P 1,000
Ging Beril Ortilla P 1,000
Nellie Llano P 1,000
Miss TM Gigaquitnon P 4,848
Total P7,848

So far, the tuition fee for both scholars 5 and 6 is P5,145 (each) x 2 = P10,290 

We still have a small balance as shown below . . .
Tuition Fee for 2nd sem SY2012-13 P 10,290
Less: Total Tuition Paid P 7,848
Balance is P 2,442  

We need your financial support!  Please contact us at gccmediacom@live.com or gigaquitonline@gmail.com.

For reference on the background of this topic, please click here

Mabuhi an mga Gigaquitnons!