Friday, December 14, 2012

“Things pass. Memories last”

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
December 14, 2012

Photo credit:

Written by Charliemen Asilum (GCC scholar #1) for their school paper . . .

“Things pass. Memories last”

Childhood has always been
A time when we became
Best friends that share the same
Emotions and feelings.

Since we were child of years,
How curious and sincere,
We go through experience
Notwithstanding the tears.

But as time passes by,
Our goals have brought us wild.
Decided, each goes through
His way to “dreams-come-true!”

We may become a grown-up
Having memory gap.
Obtaining more forehead
And feeling we’re ahead.

But one thing is for sure
No matter how obscure
Everything that we cast.
Things pass. Memories last.

Friday, December 7, 2012

“Life’s like a Song”

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
December 7, 2012

Photo credit:

Written by Charliemen Asilum (GCC scholar #1) for their school paper . . .

“Life’s like a Song”

What’s been is an “intro” of life.
May it be a fortune or strife.
But as it passes through our days,
Do you get the lessons it insists?

At the chorus of our striving,
Problems do come suffocating.
And you may say: “What are these for?
Making me go through my endeavor?”

When everything in life seems wrong,
Not reaching the bridge of a song,
Don’t ever stop. Hold on and fight.
There’s always a way to play it right.

Comparing our life to a song,
The same genre they might belong.
Though sometimes both are intricate,
It just depends on how you play it.