Friday, July 20, 2012

GCC Scholars #5 and #6: Update as of July 20, 2012

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 20, 2012

The Gigaquit Civic Club wish to thank the following who answered our appeal for support last July 13, 2012:

Mr. Rudy Sacobos P 1,200
Mr. Cokie Tabigue P 1,000
Ms. Anita Lopez P 1,000
Total P 3,200

The above amount of P 3,200 covers the remaining balance until the end of first semester (until October 2013).  Please click this link to read the background of this appeal >>

Mabuhi an mga Gigaquitnons!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Support for GCC Scholars #5 and #6

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 13, 2012

First of all, the Gigaquit Civic Club would like to thank the people who supported our Scholars # 5 and #6. These kind-hearted individuals are . . .

Mana Grace Gonzalez P 2,000
Hardy Del Castillo P 2,300
Carlos Peruda Eledia P 5,000
Analee Patosa P 2,000
Total P11,300

So far, the expenses are as follows . . .

Fare Gigaquit to Manila P 5,000
Enrollment P 6,300
Total P11,300

However, we still have a small balance as shown below . . .

Tuition Fee at Access Computer College (ACC).
Total Tuition Fee for 1st sem SY2012 (P4,750 each) P 9,500
Less: Partial Tuition Paid P 6,300
Balance due July 16, 2012 P 3,200

Once again the Gigaquit Civic Club wish to appeal to all Gigaquitnons for support in order to cover the above remaining balance. Your help is highly appreciated.

Please contact Steven Egay at his facebook page or send email to him at

Mabuhi an mga Gigaquitnons!

To see background of scholars # 5 and 6, please click following links . . .
>> GCC Scholar # 5 and # 6 Enrolled for the 1st Year

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

GCC Scholar # 1: Still the School Paper Associate Editor-in-Chief

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 11, 2012

Charliemen Asilum GCC Scholar # 1 who is now on his 4th year, was again appointed as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of their school paper at the College of St. Catherine in Quezon City.

The name of their school organ is Cath.Echo, kindly see below photo . . .

Charliemen Asilum first held this position last year when he was on his third year second semester of schooling.  Please click this for reference >>  GCC Scholar # 0001: School Paper Associate Editor-in-Chief

Monday, July 2, 2012

GCC Scholar # 1 Enrolled for the 1st Semester; 4th Year College

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 2, 2012

Mr. Charliemen Asilum, the scholar #1 was already enrolled last April at the College of St. Catherine in Quezon City.
He is on his 4th and final year in college taking up BS Information Technology.

His guardians are Mr. Steven Egay and Mrs. Evelyn Egay.  Expenses of his studies including tuition fee is also supported by Mayor Carlos Egay family.  This scholar was financially supported by several donors during the first year.

Please click below previous posts for reference . . .
GCC Scholarship#0001 Update June 2009  

GCC Scholar#0001 Starts Schooling

Gigaquitnon Coop

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 2, 2012

Photos provided by Ms. Analee Patosa.

Creating a cooperative for the benefit of its members has been one of the projects being discussed by the Gigaquit Civic Club several years back.  Finally, concrete steps are being taken to turn it into reality and not just for GCC members but for all Gigaquitnons, the "Gigaquitnon Cooperative".

(kindly click the photo you want to view in larger image;
press Esc to return to original size)

The prepatory meeting last May 24, 2012 . . .

Another preparation last June 2, 2012 . . .

. . . and a retouch last June 24, 2012

and the membership meeting last June 30, 2012 . . .

Lot's of work and yet we only just begun.  There is still a long road ahead but as the cliche goes, it all starts with that first step . . .