Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gakit Festival in Year 2010

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

During last year's planning it was originally targetted to implement this year the First Gakit Festival as follows . . .

Event: Lumba Gakit (Raft Racing)

Target Date: Jan. 31, 2009 (Saturday)

Organizer: Gigaquit Tourism Council with GCC support

Remarks: Players create their own rafts (individual and team categories) and race from Baoy to Doot Bridge; Gakit means raft and from this word Gigaquit got its name (to review history click here).

Then it was finalized to be staged on January 25, 2009 as final date. Everything was already in place but nature intervened and the event was cancelled . . . kindly click these news links to read back stories . . .

"First Gakit Festival"
"Gakit Festival Cancelled"

But we are undaunted and the Gigaquit Civic Club continue to encourage the Gigaquit Tourism Office to try again next year 2010. Hopefully Divine Providence will intervene in favor of its success.

More on this topic as we proceed with the preparations . . . we are hoping for your support.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Friday, November 13, 2009

GCC Scholar #0001 Successfully Hurdled 1st Semester

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

With hard work, discipline and determination, the first GCC scholar was able to pass the 1st semester with flying colors. The grades achieved were mostly in the range of 92~94% way above the pledged of 85%. Kindly see the grades below . . .

Charly Grades1 -

Charly Grades2 -

We congratulate Mr. Charliemen Asilum for a job well done! Hope you keep up the good work!

To our GOL readers . . . to all Gigaquitnons, we also continue to appeal for your support . . . please contact Gigaquit Civic Club at Thank you.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Doot . . . Daot . . . Dato

Originally posted by Steven Egay at 

This is just a simple play with words using our local dialect but this may describe the phases by which our beloved Doot Beach has went through recently . . . Doot (crossing), Daot (damaged) and Dato (rich).

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 13, 2009

Doot beach was once a picture of enthralling beauty . . .

But unfortunately at the start of this year 2009 strong rains and flooding caused these unfortunate sceneries . . .
(Video courtesy of Mr. Rey Tupal)

But as I have mentioned in a previous post . . .

"So what now? We have a damaged natural heritage before us. The feeling of gloom is normal. But then, time comes that we wipe out our tears and see clearly the situation before us. To me, this is an opportunity. We may not be accustomed by the new look of Doot but by using our Gigaquitnon creativity, we can make something new, something beautiful out of the new terrain. How about planting mangroves then build criss-crossing footbridges and tree houses on the site of the damaged area? Just one idea . . . maybe YOU have more." (click Doot Beach Disaster: What's Next? to read full article)

This did not take long to come as the Gigaquit Tourism Office lead by Mr. Leslie Pingal with guidance from Mrs. Marlyn (Tibong) Egay the Las-ay and Jinawa festivals were held successfully in the new Doot beach grounds. And behold what a perfect area it turned out to be . . .

More activities like beach volleyball are in the pipeline so watch out for more exciting updates to come!

Monday, November 9, 2009

An appeal for support to Gigaquit Online news gathering

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

Gigaquit Online was launched in August 2007. So it has been operating for around 2 years already as of this month. It survived through the sheer efforts and sacrifices of the members of the Gigaquit Civic Club and volunteers. We cannot thank enough the efforts of the latter whose valuable assistance made Gigaquit Online interesting to browse and read.

Now we wish to improve better and bring more details and stories especially from the barangays. Though we continue to count on our volunteers, we deemed it necessary in our experience to have some funds necessary for the mobility of our "news reporters". We appeal therefore for your kind financial assistance. For a start, we target a budget of P2,000 a month in the form of donations and advertising fees. This amount will be used mostly for transportation and some snacks of our news gatherers. Of course, we welcome any news volunteer who will come forward and who is willing to shoulder any incidental costs that may be incurred.

You are very much welcome to post advertisements here in our website for a very affordable fee. We would like to help those who help us by way of announcing any of their concerns or business promotions.

Thank you very much and looking forward to receiving your positive reply.

Regards to all GOL readers!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Support Jinawa Festival 2009!

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
October 10, 2009

(2nd Jinawa Festival)
November 1 is fast approaching and its time for the Second Jinawa Festival! The preparations suffered some initial setbacks when the supposed participants from different schools in other towns decided to back out only this first week of October. Fortunately, our very own Gigaquitnon kababayans from the different barangays would not allow this affair to be cancelled. Led by their respective gallant Barangay Captains and leaders, the following groups responded by joining the Jinawa Festival contests! They are as follows:

1. Bgy. Ipil
2. Bgy. Alambique
3. Bgy. Mahanub
4. Bgy. Villaflor and Villafranca cluster
5. Bgy. San Antonio, Bgy. Anibongan and Bgy. Camboayon cluster

GNSHI might join but not yet confirmed as of today, while SAI will join as a non-competing performer.

Anyhow, the organizer of the Jinawa Festival led by the LGU wish to appeal to all Gigaquitnons for donations in terms of prizes. The amounts needed are as follows:

First Prize: P7,000
Second Prize: P5,000
Third Prize: P3,500

Consolation prizes: P2,000 each non-winner

The above amounts are just small compared to the honor and pride that this event will bring to our beloved Gigaquit.

To all concerned Gigaquitnons, please respond immediately as time is running out . . .

Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Video below from First Jinawa Festival . . .

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

GOL Digest Volume 10

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
October 7, 2009

Greetings to all Gigaquitnons!

Marajaw na Pista dijo hurot! Once again we enjoyed another lively fiesta celebration in our beloved Gigaquit last August 28. We hope that our Patron Saint Augustine will continue to watch over our town and shower it with blessings.

Gigaquit Online is now on its 10th volume and still going steadily forward. We remain committed in this mission of bringing the latest news and updates regarding Gigaquit and Gigaquitnons around the world. In this regard, please allow me to go directly in wishing our appeal for financial support for mobilizing personnel necessary in our news gathering efforts. For more details please click here.

Also, we are very pleased to report that our first GCC scholar has been doing very well in school . . . doing us proud with his excellent performance. The second semester is almost close at hand and it means enrollment time again. As you may guess correctly, we would like to appeal again for your continued financial support. More details regarding this matter to be posted at GOL soon.

Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Steven A. Egay
GCC President

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ms. Gigaquit 2009

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

August 27, 2009

Every year the search for Miss Gigaquit happen every fiesta. The event play an important role as it is capable of contributing financially for the benefits of the town. The proceeds of this event would be for the various projects of the municipality.

Miss Gigaquit 2009 and entourage

The occasion was actively participated by three organizations in different sectors, such as the local government, Schools and Association of Barangay Captains. As what have been the tradition, winning is based largely on the ability of the contestants to raise the funds for the incoming projects of the municipality.

Outgoing Miss Gigaquit 2008 Vanessa Go carried to the stage like royalty.

The candidates were:
a) LGU representative Ms. Jonalyn Galanida
b) DepEd sector Ms. Janette Cubelo, and
c) ABC sector Ms. Stephanie Molina

Crowned as Miss Gigaquit 2009 is Ms. Stephanie Molina.

  LGU representative Ms. Jonalyn Galanida

DepEd sector Ms. Janette Cubelo

The coronation night was held last August 27, 2009 at the Municipal Multi Purpose Bldg. supported by the sponsoring groups, municipal and barangay officials, SB Members including the general public. Invitees were provincial representatives, DAR Assistant Secretary Ms. Rachel Madelo who clothed the cape of responsibility, Board Member Arturo Carlos Egay and Victor Borja who pinned the sashes of the queen (ABC) and 1st Princess (DepEd). Local businessman Hilario Go pinned the 3rd Princess (LGU) together with the parents of the candidates.

Prov'l Board Member Edera representing Cong. Romarate, assisted by Prov'l Board Member Carlos A. Egay, Jr.

The guest speaker throughout the affair was 2nd District Hon. Congressman Guillermo Romarate with his wife Myrna Romarate. The awarding of Plaque of Appreciations and bouquet offering was done by Mayor Carlos M. Egay assisted by vice Mayor Felixberto Jala and all SB Members. The event was fascinating which broght joy to the masses.

Awarding the plaques Mayor Egay, V-Mayor Jala, Councilor Pepino, Councilor Tejada, Councilor Parba and Councilor Cubelo.

View more photos by clicking the album below . . .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mutya ng Parokya 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
October 1, 2009

August 26, 2009

“Isa ka Relihiyosong Timaan, Isa ka Halandumong Kasinatian” (The further we go toward God, the better realization that only in Him alone we find true consolation).

The above is the theme for the 159th Annual Patronal Fiesta an event which always have religious dimensions. Such religious activity is one way of overviewing and reflecting on Gods Love through our Patron St. Augustine ... a sign of commemorating the good deeds of our Almighty through His great love to us.

Rev. Fr. Jhun Baleberia, DCS. The driving force of the event.

Last August 26, 2009, a novena mass was done as a traditional fellowship lined in the first of the activities, followed by the” Kainan ng Bayan” exclusively for the neighboring barrios living in rural area. This was partly a way of expressing gratitude from all the graces and blessings showered upon the Parish. The highlight of the event is the” Mutya ng Parokya 2009” participated by the 22 lovely ladies from different chapels in town. Like what other beauty searches did, it is basically a money matter activity. Whoever collects the highest amount will be proclaimed and given the title as the “1st Muyta ng Parokya”.

The one who had the winning appearance came from Brgy. Mahanub of Birhen del Rosario Chapel, she was Ms. Cris Ann Papeleras Tapia as the newest Mutya in the history of the parish, followed by the 1st Princess Ms. Maria Rosario Canda from Alambique of San Vicente Ferrer Chapel.

First Mutya ng Parokya Miss Cris Ann

Some invited guests came from the Diocese of Surigao, Sr. Benilda Avelino the Indigenous Peoples Apostolate Coordinator of SSpS, who clothed the cape of responsibility to the Mutya assisted by the Bec Coordinator Mr. Alex Natad of Mahanub. The entrusting of scepter was given to Dr. Elvira A. Egay Ph.D as well as President of Parish Formation Team, who also gave inspirational message to fellow Gigaquitnon.

The crowning of Mutya was done by Ms. Grace Roa Gonzales, a balikbayan, assisted by Rev. Fr. Ernesto Virgen DCS. The pinning of sashes and giving of bouquets was also done by the parents of the candidates and some CPC officials.

Mrs. Grace Roa Gonzales crowned the Mutya ng Parokya 2009 assisted by Fr. Virgen, then delivered a speech being the guest speaker for the evening.

Through the coordination of different organizations and parties who contributed efforts behind the activity, a “Pa Raffle sa Parokya” was done featuring various appliance showcase and others. The distribution of tickets in every chapter was done thoroughly. Responsible selected officials took lead the contribution process. The lucky 1st prize winner came from Brgy. Mahanub.

The royal entourage

The following are the list of candidates during Mutya ng Parokya:

Mutya - Ms. Cris Ann Papeleras Tapia (Mahanub) - Birhen Del Rosario Chapel

1st Princess - Ms. Maria Rosario Canda (Alambique) - San Vicente Ferrer

2nd Princess - Ms. Judith Guiritan (San Isidro) - San Isidro Labrador Chapel

3rd Princess - Ms. Aizel Canda (Villaflor) - San Pedro/ San Pablo Chapel

4th Princess - Ms. Rowelyn Catong (Ipil) - Inahan sa Kanunay Panabang

5th Princess - Ms. Yves Biera (Poneinte) - Inahan sa Kanunay Panabang

6th Princess - Ms. Mary Rose Canda (Kinabutan) - Birhen sa Fatima

7th Princess - Ms. Juliet Aguilles (Lahi)

8th Princess - Ms. Janessa Lorejo (Tuya-Tuya)

9th Princess - Ms. Mylene Parnada (Villafranca)

10th Princess - Ms. Divina Gracia Canumay (San Antonio)

11th Princess - Ms. Emelyn Cano (Sico-Sico)

12th Princess - Ms. Necelyn Pedraza (Anibongan)

13th Princess - Ms. Maria Yangco (Camboayon)

14th Princess - (Sto. Niño)

15th Princess - Ms. Rachel Berong (Buya)

16th Princess - Ms. Jesyl Mae Morada (Baoy)

17th Princess - Ms. Weljemar Pandilingan (Poyo)

18th Princess - (Camam-onan)

19th Princess - Ms. Grace Guiritan (Tumurok)

20th Princess - (Poctoy)

21st Princess - (Poyo-Poyo)

22nd Princess - Catherine Pecante (Nagubat)

The Emcees

Twister from one of the dancers . . .

View more photos by clicking below image . . .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vacation in Lahi by Jason Bayang

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
September 24, 2009

Jason is now based in Holland . . .

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Cultural Show 2008 in Gigaquit by LDC

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
September 24, 2009

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Schedule of activities for Gigaquit Town Fiesta 2009

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

August 19, 2009 : Start of Novena Mass / (6:00 AM) Walk for a Cause

August 22, 2009 : Basketball Championship

August 23, 2009 (AM) : Mountain Bike / (7:00 PM) : Boxing

August 24, 2009 : SAI Foundation Day

August 25, 2009 (PM) : Opening Program, DLC Competition, Variety Show

August 26, 2009 (AM) : Purok Fencing Contest / (PM) : BEC Night

August 27, 2009 (PM) : Miss Gigaquit Coronation Night

August 28, 2009 (AM) : Mass / (PM) : Field Demonstration, : Fellowship and Awarding Night Program

August 29, 2009 (AM) : Thanksgiving Mass

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
August 13, 2009

Last July 8, 2009 the Partido Padajon Surigao (PPS) held its leaders meeting and forum at Gigaquit Municipal Multi purpose Bldg., Gigaquit Surigao Del Norte initiated by our active Mayor Carlos M. Egay Sr., appointed as the secretary general of the group (PPS). Through the effort contributed by its local employees, the activity successfully flows solemnly through the help by the peace and order team. This was participated by some important leaders in the province of Surigao del Norte from the District 1&2 Congressman Guillermo Romarate who considers to be the founder and 1st District Congressman Francisco T. Matugas together with the wives Myrna Romarate and Sol Matugas through the presence also of the PPS members: Vice Mayor of Claver, Mayor of Bacuag Shiela Mae Cebedo, Vice Mayor Jala, Captains of different barangays, SB Members and invited constituents from selected barangay area.

At the Presidential table starting from the left: Vice-Mayor Jala, Prov'l Board Member Sim Castrence, Prov'l Board Member Carlos Egay, Jr., Claver Vice-Mayor Go, Cong. Romarate and Cong. Matugas. Gigaquit Mayor Carlos Egay Sr. at extreme right.

The main purpose of the event was to present the leaders of PPS conducted by the PPS Municipal Coordinator Alex Natad. The oath taking ceremony was also done by the municipal and barangay chapter chairmen including the Purok leaders headed by Congressman Guillermo Romarate. The distribution of Philhealth Card collaborated by the Philhealth representative and Cong. Romarate for giving the Gigaquitnons a great opportunity specially the disabled and seniors a medical assistance.

However although this was partly a sort of advance campaign but the leaders do care for the peoples needs and wants and listens its grievances for each living condition. We do hope that these politicians will truly commit to his/her countrymen especially to HIM.

Other photos . . .

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Batch 1989: GNSHI Grand Alumni 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 22, 2009

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fighting Dengue

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
July 9, 2009

Dengue maybe a more serious threat than the A(H1N1) virus.

Caution : This information may cause massive loss of jobs in insecticides companies, but it could save thousands of innocent lives from the cruel fate of dengue. Apologies to all branded insecticides in the marketplace.

DIY is so easy and its costs are unbelievably negligible.


Mosquito trap (Dengue prevention)

Its just a mix of water, brown sugar and yeast.

1. Cut a plastic bottle in half, keep both parts. Can be softdrink bottle.

2. Take the lower portion of the bottle. Dissolve the brown sugar in hot water. Let it cool down to ~70 degF.

3. Add the yeast. Carbon dioxide will form (This will attract the mosquitos)

4. Cover the bottle with a dark wrap and insert in the top portion upside down like a funnel. Place it in a corner in your house.

5. In 2 weeks you will be surprised by the number of mosquitos killed.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GOL Digest Volume 9

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 23, 2009

Greetings to all Gigaquitnons!

Under this Volume 9 of GOL topics compilations, the stories that we bring to you is a mixture of sadness and happiness. Sad because we know what happened to our beloved Doot Beach. Though surely this beauty can be "reclaimed" in the future, it will take years or even decades before this is realized. On the other hand, we are pleased to tell everyone how proud I am as a Gigaquitnon due to the positive responses when we sent the appeal for financial support for our Scholarship Project. As Capt. Mario Recentes fondly mention "Proud Gigaquitnon" in his write-up, I believe now that this can be more than words after we showed by our actions how great we are indeed. As I mentioned in my previous messages, there are Gigaquitnons who will rise up to the challenge. The recent events showed how true this is. I would like to specifically mention the following who unselfishly shared their hard-earned money just to get our Scholarship Project going:

Mrs. Grace Roa Gonzales
Ms. Elvie Paray
Atty. Fernando Larong
Miss Gina U
Ms. Letecia Egay
Mrs. Ophelia Esperon Lopez

But then again, i know deep in my heart that aside from the above, there are other Gigaquitnons . . . many other Gigaquitnons who will also rise up to the challenge. We will see this in the coming months or years. I am confident of that.

Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Steven A. Egay
GCC President

Saturday, June 20, 2009

GCC Scholarship#0001 Update June 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 20, 2009

Finally, due to the kindness of several concerned Gigaquitnons, our 1st GCC scholar was able to enrol and start attending classes since school opened this June 15, 2009. For more details on this topic click here . . .

In particular, the Gigaquit Civic Club would like to cite the following Gigaquitnons (with their "initial" donations):

Mrs. Grace Roa Gonzales P2,000 (cash)

Ms. Elvie Paray P500 (remittance)

Atty. Fernando Larong P5,000 (remittance)

Miss Gina U P3,022 (cash)

Ms. Letecia Egay P2,500 (cash)

Mrs. Ophelia Esperon Lopez P10,000 (pledged)

TOTAL: P23,022

So far, money disbursed as of June 15, 2009 as follows:

Transportation from Gigaquit to Manila P2,500

School 1st installment P4,000

School Uniform P500

TOTAL: P7,000

Remaining cash: P6,022

Remaining Pledge: P10,000

Installment balance for 1st semester:

Prelim July P2,066

Midterm September P2,066

Finals October P2,066

TOTAL: P6,198

Gigaquitnons proved that we have not forgotten our less fortunate kababayans. In this "social experiment" the Gigaquitnon triumphed!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Friday, June 19, 2009

GCC Scholar#0001 Starts Schooling

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
June 19, 2009

Without much formalities, the 1st GCC scholar went for his first day of school last June 15, 2009 at St. Catherine College in Quezon City.

The school facade

Posing near the school entrance

With housemate Jerry Lasala

A warm send-off by GCC volunteer Bobot Natonio

A minute with the guardian Steve Egay

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Opening of Classes. . .

Posted by REGIE DEDUMO on June 2, 2009 at 12:03pm at
Yesterday - June 1, 2009 is the opening of classes for School Year 2009-2010.The neophyte students (First Year) are very excited to meet their classmates to be as they were very prompt in reporting to the school during the first day of classes. The old students wore their school uniform but the others did not. There are still students who have that Filipino habit, that even they knew that classes begin on June 1, still they do not report to school, and others were still enrolling during that day.

The GNSHI teachers are also prompt in reporting to school before the flag raising ceremony. This is because they do not want to miss the first day and so very busy preparing their classrooms.

As a matter of tradition, after the flag raising the Head of the Related Subjects Department – Ma’am Inday Pingal, gave orientation to the neophyte students relative to the school rules and regulations and reminded the old students to be the model to the neophytes.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A(H1N1) Booklet

Contributed by Emil Canda June 16, 2009
All we should know, and importantly how to avoid getting
infected by A (H1N1) FLU.

In a recent report, there are some people already infected by the flu in the Makati area.

Please avoid going to crowded or public places if possible at this time of influenza pandemics. Practice of good personal hygeine is a must.

Please read and pass on...
To download the booklet click here

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Monday, May 18, 2009

What goes around comes around

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 18, 2009


The above is related to GCC advocacy on scholarship for deserving Gigaquitnons . . . just a thought that came into my mind when I woke up this morning.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Batch 2005-6: GNSHI Grand Alumni 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 9, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Friday, May 8, 2009

Batch 2001: GNSHI Grand Alumni 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 8, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Thursday, May 7, 2009

An appeal for support to GCC Scholarship

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 7, 2009

As some of you may be aware, the Gigaquit Civic Club already chose the scholar who will start studying this June 2009.

Before I proceed further, please right-click and read the following links to give you a background of the details . . .

GCC Scholarship Series#0001

GCC Scholarship Series#0001 Final Result

Letter on the result

Without further ado, assuming you read and understand the details in the above links, our Gigaquit Civic Club wish to appeal for financial support for the tuition fee of Mr. Charlimen Asilum. We need around P17,000 for the first semester and so far we only have P3,000 pledge. He will be enrolled at the College of St. Catherine located in Quezon City, Philippines. His target major is Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT).

This is a pilot project on scholarship of the GCC. This is also a sort of a social experiment on how Gigaquitnons react when presented with this kind of situation. We hope kindness and love for our fellowmen will triumph.

If you wish to give support and you are a registered G-Pages member, please send email via this site or simply reply to this blog. If you are not registered with G-Pages you may send email to

Thank you.

Mabuhay an Gigaquitnons!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Batch 1982-1983: GNSHI Grand Alumni 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 6, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Batch 1981: GNSHI Grand Alumni 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 5, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Sunday, May 3, 2009

GNSHIans California (USA) Reunion 2009

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
May 3, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Doot Beach Disaster: What's next?

Originally posted by Steven Egay at

May I venture to say that Doot beach's recent erosion has been caused by many years of nature's activities. The combination of factors like the constant battering of the sea to our shorelines, aggravated by Global Warming and the thinning of Doot's natural protection . . . the mangroves.

Some lessons can be learned and hopefully present and future generations of Gigaquitnons will take heed. One of this is the importance of mangroves or "kabakhawan" in our local dialect. If you observe the available photos and video's of the eroded areas, it is only at the center near the bridge that are affected. Particularly the areas where there are no more mangoves. Whenever I visit Doot beach several times and several years back, I personally noticed that the sands near the bridge seemed to be continuously moving towards the river side. In contrast, the areas where there are mangrove trees seemed to hold their ground. To me, the way the new contour of the beach after the erosion is not very surprising. It just confirmed my observation. Though we enjoyed the beautiful sights in the past decades as coconut trees and cottages certainly makes for a better view compared to mangrove trees, the consequence is disastrous. And we have paid for it now.

So why is that nothing seemed to have been done to prevent it? As far as my limited knowledge is concerned, there is currently a 3-point Environmental project of the local government in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. More details on this in Gigaquit Online once we get the information but in my understanding, it involves the upland areas, coastal management and riverbanks management. Unfortunately, this is already too late to save Doot.

So what now? We have a damaged natural heritage before us. The feeling of gloom is normal. But then, time comes that we wipe out our tears and see clearly the situation before us. To me, this is an opportunity. We may not be accustomed by the new look of Doot but by using our Gigaquitnon creativity, we can make something new, something beautiful out of the new terrain. How about planting mangroves then build criss-crossing footbridges and tree houses on the site of the damaged area? Just one idea . . . maybe YOU have more.

In addition, I learned from Mayor Carlos Egay, Sr. that the reason why there is currently a seawall stretching from the bridge up to the Public Market, is because in the 1950's the same thing happened to Doot Beach. It was badly damaged so that the waves reached the town's river banks due to overflowing waters. But later on the sands of Doot beach returned to its former beauty. As Mayor Egay said "mobalik ra iton". On that note, let me end this blog post.

Click this very good reference on mangroves:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mon-mon's 5th Birthday

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 18, 2009

Mon-mon's 5th Birthday last August 23, 2009.

Monmon or Monina Egay is the daughter of Raymond and Aurora Egay. They are based now in Auckland, New Zealand.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Friday, April 17, 2009

GCC Scholarship Series#0001 Final Result

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 17, 2009

The Gigaquit Civic Club is glad to announce that Mr. Charliemen Asilum was chosen as the scholar under "GCC Scholarship Series#0001"!

For details please click >> Result

and download >> documents . . .

The status of this project will be updated from time to time.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Rey 2pal wrote:

From: Rey 2pal

Subject: [gigaquit-civic-club] Gigaquit update

To: "gigaquit civic club"

Cc: "Gigaquit Online"

Date: Monday, 6 April, 2009, 8:30 PM


Sorry karajaw mga Kagupa kun ya pa nako maipost an new pix and updates mahitungod sa Gigaquit, labi na gajud an Doot Beach (i have new video and pictures taken last Mar. 23, 2009) sanan an SAI Graduation last March 23, 2009.

Nabuwesit na ako sa PLDT kay more than 2 weeks na (16 days na to be exact) ya pa gihapon ako makakonek sa net. Lakip daw ako sa affected nan network trouble nila sa area ko. Huh! halos every hour of the day nagpa ff up ako sa ila customer Service pero amura sab nan recording gihapon an irason sa imo... "wait for 24 hours sir / Observe and monitor for another hour Sir"...haaaaayyyyyy ! Bagan ya may imo mafeel sa ila na concern sila sa ila customer kay kadugay sa ila action! Kun sin o may ugaling jauy kilaya sa PLDT, puede ba magpa asiste anay na unahon jarin ako connection kay tawon sab, luki na nekosyo ko (laung pa nan Insik...hehehe) . Nakikigamit ra ako kuman nan PC sa gawas; na arang sab kahinay an upload ugsa wait rakan sab lamang ako nan pagnormalize nan ako net connection (...huhuhu.. .kuno pa kaha?) para iupload ko inin ako pan us na na mga pictures and updates.

Na hala basi maglitaniya ra ako dinhi sa ijo...o di ba mokanta rakan lamang ako nan panriquem na kanta: Taa...bangi ninyo kami.... (sabay sa kampana: ting! ding! dung! tinggg dunng!)...hehehe. ..

Balitaw, tana maiconnect na ako para maishare ko na sab sa ijo... Kalooy sab balitaw an nahitabo sa ato tagpasiantog na Doot kuman kay ya pa may ako maishare sa ijo, mangilin rakan anay kita! Amen


From GOL:

We found this a very interesting topic/article and apt for the season. As of today April 14, 2009 Rey T's penitence is not yet over.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Batch 1975~76: Reunion in 2008

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 9, 2009

Find more photos like this on GNSHIans Connect

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Sunday, April 5, 2009

GNSHI Graduation School Year 2008-9

# Posted by REGIE DEDUMO on April 1, 2009 at 11:49am at

The 36th Commencement Exercises of Gigaquit National School of Home Industries will be on April 2, 2009 at exactly 1:00pm, Students' Center, GNSHI, Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte with the theme " My Education: My Contribution to the Future". The confirmation of these graduating students will be done by Dr. Gloria C. Gemparo, our Guest of Honor - the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Division of Surigao del Norte and the Commencement Address will be given by Dr. Emelita Dumangas Bautista an Alumnae of Batch '78.

Here are the Honor Roll of Class 2009:

Apple Mae Dumas Bonite - Valedictorian

Robert Anthony Magno Wines - Salutatorian

Augustine Esperon Paronda - First Honorable Mention

Charliemen Ellorico Asilum - Second Honorable Mention

Ruth Galos Asumen - Third Honorable Mention

Sherly Comon Dagala - Fourth Honorable Mention

Carla Marie Deloy Atulan - Fifth Honorable Mention

Jeannevieve Libay Hora - Sixth Honorable Mention

Sheen Rose Solana Bayang - Seventh Honoralbe Mention

Famela Ramos Buatis - Eight Honorable Mention

Arlen Estoy Pareja - Ninth Honorable Mention

Daisy Jane Dumas Jamora - Ninth Honorable Mention

Merjulyn Jovero Asilum - Tenth Honorable Mention

To all who hit the mark, Congratulations!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

GOL Digest Volume 8

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
April 1, 2009

Greetings to all Gigaquitnons!

In the 8th Volume of Gigaquit Online, we are very pleased to announce that finally we began the selection process in choosing the very first recipient of GCC's scholarship project. This is the very first, hence, we call it GCC Scholarship Series #0001.

As of now, since this project is still in its infancy stage, GCC is still experimenting with different methods or modes of schooling assistance. We are very flexible as we realized that we have to depend on several factors like availability of guardian/foster parent, financial support, location of school, distance of school from residence, availability of courses and how it matched the preference of the scholarship candidates, etc.

On the other hand, the Gigaquit Civic Club members are mostly based in Manila so we rely on "Hometown Volunteers" to do the initial screening. We are very thankful especially to Mrs. Eliza Escabal (GNSHI Guidance Counselor) and Mr. Alex Natad who gave their time and rendered a very systematic and organized search for candidates. Another fine example of Gigaquitnon's unselfish act for the sake of their fellows.

Starting this Volume 8 also, if you notice there are more information about GNSHI. This is because through the initiative of Mr. Nick Virgen, they are able to create a website that is highly interactive and rich in updated information. The access of course is limited to GNSHI alumni and students only. But yours truly (GCC President) has been granted an "observer status" for which am very grateful. There is even a link to GCC website which makes it convenient to access information in both sites. From this example of GNSHI, our very own GOL has revised its "G-Pages" section to make it convenient for all Gigaquitnons to interact. For your reference, you may access G-Pages by clicking here.

Let me close this message with the affirmation that Gigaquitnons really have the skills and passion to make good things happen. Yes, we Gigaquitnons can!
Mabuhay an mga Gigaquitnons!

Steve Egay
GCC President

Sunday, March 29, 2009

GLOBAL WARMING ( Save mother Earth-one world,one climate & one chance )

* Posted by Alex Saranza on March 27, 2009 at 4:00pm at

1. What is global warming?
2. How does it effect me/us?
3. If there a time frame for it?
4. What is the worst thing that can happen from it?

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

GNSHI one of the top 3 ICT Tech-Voc High Schools in Caraga Region

Click here for details . . .

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, March 28, 2009

GNSHI tops in 2008 Regional Pop Quiz

* Posted by REGIE DEDUMO on March 26, 2009 at 2:56pm at

Last September 24, 2008, Ruth Galos Asumen, a IV-Einstein student of Gigaquit National School of Home Industries (GNSHI) garners 4th Place during the 2008 Regional Pop Quiz Contest held at Bayugan Comprehensive National High School, at Bayugan, Agusan del Sur with the theme "Population and Development for the Youth". She is the daughter of Mr. Agustin Asumen and Mrs. Betty Galos Asumen.

The contest were represented by ten (10) representatives from different Divisions in the Region, namely Surigao del Norte, Surigao City, Surigao del Sur, Tandag City, Dinagat, Butuan City, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur, Agusan del Norte and Bislig City.

Ruth G. Asumen is the representative of our division in Surigao del Norte after winning the Division Pop Quiz level last September 2, 2008 at the Provincial Convention Center at Surigao City.

To Miss Ruth Galos Asumen, keep up the good mark ! We are proud of you.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

GNSHI Batch ' 83 donates Encyclopedia

* Posted by REGIE DEDUMO on March 23, 2009 at 5:30pm at

Every year, the GNSHI Alumni Batch ' 83 convened and reminisce their high school memories through their primemover and the Class Valedictorian, Rev. Fr. Ernesto T. Virgen, DCS. This year, their group did not only make for a gathering and recalling of past but of donating a set of Compton's Encyclopedia consisting of 26 volumes and properly acknowledged by the School Librarian, Mrs. Mercedes D. Pingal last May, 2008 and now used by the students as reference. Thank you so much Batch ' 83 for your generosity. Mabuhay po kayong lahat !!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Intra Na

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 21, 2009

Sa tanan mga gutgut sa nagkalain-lain na suok sa kalibutan, may buhok o waya, pungag o dili, bata o tiguyang, minjo, djaga o ulitawo man, basta mahibayo mag internet intra na diri para magkahimamat sanan magkagitikay kita mga magkagupa.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Christmas Carol In Saudi Arabia

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 8, 2009

Christmas 2008 in Saudi Arabia of Mr. Nick Virgen, a GNSHI alumni. Courtesy of

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Saturday, March 7, 2009

GNSHI Batch 1983 Reunion

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 7, 2009

DATE: April 2008

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Historical Background of Saint Augustine Institute

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
March 4, 2009

(kindly click the photo you want to view in larger image;
press Esc to return to original size)

Submitted by: Ms. Diane Platino through the grace of Sir Nixon Buctuan

The Founding

Gigaquit is a town, which is 58 kilometers away from Surigao City. It is the mother municipality of the towns of Bacuag and Claver. During the early twenties, schools were very scarce. Because of the scarcity of these schools many children were hindered of their schooling especially those that came from the far distant barrios and were children of parents whose combined family income belong to the poverty line. At that particular period, the parents who were conscious of the educational development of their children clamor for the establishment of more schools in the poblacion of Gigaquit. More parents were interested that their children would receive religious institution in school. They believed that their children after completing the second grade could already lead a prayer or the “Novena” at home with the other family members all around joining the repeated recital of the prayers. The parents really believed in the saying “a family that prays together, stays together”.

Heedful of the clamor of the masses for the opening of a catholic school, which would cater to the catholic educational needs of the children in the poblacion and nearby barrios, a catholic institution was established. That institution was Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte. Said institution was founded and established by Reverend Father Jose Intven, M.S.C. and four other laymen of Gigaquit who were all Roman Catholic by religious affiliation.

In July 1923, the primary grades - grades one to four were opened for its pupils. Then a year after the opening of the primary grades, the intermediate grades which were the grade five and six, were subsequently opened. Thus in 1924 the complete elementary curriculum of the said institution was opened to the public. World War II temporarily stopped its operation. In 1947, the school resumed its operation and turned over hundreds of graduates from the primary and intermediate curriculum. But most of those graduates did not have the chance to enroll in high school due to financial reasons.

In 1947, the late Reverend Father Jose Croonen, M.S.C. the Director of the school for that year, saw the felt need of opening the secondary or the high school department in order to give chance for those students who were not able to proceed to high school because of financial difficulty and distance of home to school and many other obstacles which hindered the continuance of their studies in the secondary level.

Finally, in the same year (1947) the formal opening of the high school department was done. The permit was issued by the Department of Education.

On July 1, 1951, its existence was made completely legal because the school was recognized (Recognition No. 52. s. 1951) by the Department of Education. From that year, the high school has been in full and continuous operation.

In August 6, 1969, Rev. Fr. Herman Van der Sman, M.S.C., Superintendent of Catholic Schools, invited the directors of Catholic schools to a meeting to organize the Diocesan Schools in order to bring unity and uniformity among Catholic Schools through the introduction of teachers� manual, students� handbook, curricula, syllabi, textbooks, and provide teacher training programs. At that particular period, the Saint Augustine Institute, started following the Constitution of SACS and fully recognized as a member of Surigao Association of Catholic Schools, in the presence of the energetic school director/principal, Rev. Fr. Francisco Van Der Bourght.

April 6, 1976, Msgr. Miguel C. Cinches, SVD, Bishop of Surigao, communicated to all school directors of catholic schools, Diocese of Surigao to a one-day meeting on May 4, 1976 at the MSC Regional House to revive the SACS, that time SACS Constitution and by-laws was amended. The attendant of the said meeting was SAI School Director, Father Gerard Cruijssen, M.S.C.

April 1990, the Saint Augustine Institute, school director Father Gerard Cruijssen, M.S.C., finally turned over the school to the Diocesan Clergy of Surigao (DCS) Priest, Rev. Fr. Felix R. Hora, DCS as newly appointed school director but he served only one year in the school.

June 2001, Rev. Fr. Edito N. Alcala, DCS, the principal and school director of Saint Augustine Institute continued to promote the quality of education towards the students using the 2000 Revised Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) implemented by the Department of Education. Academic year 2003-2004, the school was visited by the evaluation team from PAFE, ESC, headed by George Torres, the PAFE in-charge in Caraga Region, and other personnel from the Division of Surigao del Norte. As a result of the said evaluation, the Saint Augustine Institute received the rating which is “above average” in terms of academic instructional materials and other school facilities.

Year 2008, the Saint Augustine Institute celebrates its 52nd year of founding.

The Founders

Saint Augustine Institute was founded and established by a group of five education-conscious people composed of one ordained priest of the missionary of the Sacred Heart, Reverend Fr. Jose Intven and four other laymen of the Roman Catholic church whose names were Rafael Eliot, Eustaquio Desillos, Julio Legaspi and Cipriano Navallo. They were all residents of Gigaquit and voluntarily associated themselves and form a corporation called “Saint Augustine Institute of Gigaquit Surigao del Norte”. Faculty and Staff Saint Augustine Institute, from the initial period of its existence to the time of writing this report, has been administered by officials with hopes of attaining the objectives for which the school was established. These officials refer to the principals of the institution. The records on file showed that there were 17 principals including the incumbent who took charge of the highschool from the earliest period to the present. The principals and their tenure of office are indicated below:

Principal Office                                                  Tenure of…
Mother Agatona Gomez
1947-1948 to 1950-1951
Sister Ma. Agripina
Mother Ma. Mercedes Sandoval
Reverend Pedro Reichwein
1953-1954 to 1957-1958
Rev. Francis Van der Borght
Francisco L. Gonzales
1959-1960 to 1960-1961
Elias D. Salas
Rev. Francis Van der Borght
1962-1963 to 1964-1965
Antonio R. Nacua
1965-1966 to 1970-1971
Lily C. Legaspi
1971-1972 to 1976-1977
Claudio P. Navallo
1977-1978 to 1986
Jose Beguña
Lucille M. Perral
Rev. Fr. Eliezer N. Mantilla, DCS
Myrna Y. Tabar
Alicia L. Montenegro
Rev. Fr. Edito N. Alcala, DCS
2003 - 2008?

Nickson Buctuan 2008 ~ present?

The philosophy behind the founding and establishing of Saint Augustine Institute was to train the students for higher learning for those that could uphold the dignity of their Alma Mater and be assets to the society and community where they are in. And now the school formulates the new Vision-Mission statement; Vision We, the Catholic Diocesan Schools of Surigao, a community of disciples of Christ, faithful to the teachings and traditions of the Church, form the youth to become Christ-centered, enlightened, and committed Filipino youth for the service of the Church and society with preferential option for the underserved. Mission Guided by the Spirit, with Mary our Mother and model, we commit ourselves to be preferred Catholic educational institution of the poor in the locality. We endeavor to serve as cogent venue for evangelization and the integration of faith, life and culture, through;

  • Quality integral Christian formation and academic excellence;

  • Dynamic Basic Ecclesial Community building;

  • Resource mobilization and sharing.

** Photos courtesy of Mr. Rey Tupal

** Click below related links. . .

SAI Alumni Association

Originally posted by Steve Egay at