Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gakit Festival in Year 2010

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

During last year's planning it was originally targetted to implement this year the First Gakit Festival as follows . . .

Event: Lumba Gakit (Raft Racing)

Target Date: Jan. 31, 2009 (Saturday)

Organizer: Gigaquit Tourism Council with GCC support

Remarks: Players create their own rafts (individual and team categories) and race from Baoy to Doot Bridge; Gakit means raft and from this word Gigaquit got its name (to review history click here).

Then it was finalized to be staged on January 25, 2009 as final date. Everything was already in place but nature intervened and the event was cancelled . . . kindly click these news links to read back stories . . .

"First Gakit Festival"
"Gakit Festival Cancelled"

But we are undaunted and the Gigaquit Civic Club continue to encourage the Gigaquit Tourism Office to try again next year 2010. Hopefully Divine Providence will intervene in favor of its success.

More on this topic as we proceed with the preparations . . . we are hoping for your support.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Friday, November 13, 2009

GCC Scholar #0001 Successfully Hurdled 1st Semester

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

With hard work, discipline and determination, the first GCC scholar was able to pass the 1st semester with flying colors. The grades achieved were mostly in the range of 92~94% way above the pledged of 85%. Kindly see the grades below . . .

Charly Grades1 -

Charly Grades2 -

We congratulate Mr. Charliemen Asilum for a job well done! Hope you keep up the good work!

To our GOL readers . . . to all Gigaquitnons, we also continue to appeal for your support . . . please contact Gigaquit Civic Club at Thank you.

Originally posted by Steve Egay at

Doot . . . Daot . . . Dato

Originally posted by Steven Egay at 

This is just a simple play with words using our local dialect but this may describe the phases by which our beloved Doot Beach has went through recently . . . Doot (crossing), Daot (damaged) and Dato (rich).

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 13, 2009

Doot beach was once a picture of enthralling beauty . . .

But unfortunately at the start of this year 2009 strong rains and flooding caused these unfortunate sceneries . . .
(Video courtesy of Mr. Rey Tupal)

But as I have mentioned in a previous post . . .

"So what now? We have a damaged natural heritage before us. The feeling of gloom is normal. But then, time comes that we wipe out our tears and see clearly the situation before us. To me, this is an opportunity. We may not be accustomed by the new look of Doot but by using our Gigaquitnon creativity, we can make something new, something beautiful out of the new terrain. How about planting mangroves then build criss-crossing footbridges and tree houses on the site of the damaged area? Just one idea . . . maybe YOU have more." (click Doot Beach Disaster: What's Next? to read full article)

This did not take long to come as the Gigaquit Tourism Office lead by Mr. Leslie Pingal with guidance from Mrs. Marlyn (Tibong) Egay the Las-ay and Jinawa festivals were held successfully in the new Doot beach grounds. And behold what a perfect area it turned out to be . . .

More activities like beach volleyball are in the pipeline so watch out for more exciting updates to come!

Monday, November 9, 2009

An appeal for support to Gigaquit Online news gathering

Posted by Steven Egay
For Gigaquit Civic Club
November 14, 2009

Gigaquit Online was launched in August 2007. So it has been operating for around 2 years already as of this month. It survived through the sheer efforts and sacrifices of the members of the Gigaquit Civic Club and volunteers. We cannot thank enough the efforts of the latter whose valuable assistance made Gigaquit Online interesting to browse and read.

Now we wish to improve better and bring more details and stories especially from the barangays. Though we continue to count on our volunteers, we deemed it necessary in our experience to have some funds necessary for the mobility of our "news reporters". We appeal therefore for your kind financial assistance. For a start, we target a budget of P2,000 a month in the form of donations and advertising fees. This amount will be used mostly for transportation and some snacks of our news gatherers. Of course, we welcome any news volunteer who will come forward and who is willing to shoulder any incidental costs that may be incurred.

You are very much welcome to post advertisements here in our website for a very affordable fee. We would like to help those who help us by way of announcing any of their concerns or business promotions.

Thank you very much and looking forward to receiving your positive reply.

Regards to all GOL readers!

Originally posted by Steve Egay at