Friday, September 21, 2007


Originally posted at by Steven Egay in September 2007


Finally, the website of Gigaquit is up! Now Gigaquitnons from all over the world can have access to latest update on events relating to kababayans both within and outside our town.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the website team for their time and hard toils to bring this noble endeavor into fruition. This is still far from perfect but we will strive to improve continuously as we go along.

Maintaining a website is not an easy task. We need the support of many people not only from GCC members. This requires people who contributes selflessly in giving us news stories and other topics that could make this website interesting.

Lastly, GCC as the sponsor would like to appeal for financial support not only to maintain Gigaquit Online but also for us to carry out our other numerous aspirations for our beloved municipality. We welcome advertisers from anybody. There is no fixed amount to pay. We just let the generosity of your hearts determine the price.

Mabuhay ang Gigaquit!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Originally contributed by Steven Egay to  around September 2007


Greetings to our readers!

This August 2007 we launched GIGAQUIT ONLINE (GOL) as website that is all and everything about Gigaquit and Gigaquitnons. The proponent Gigaquit Civic Club (GCC), deemed this project a vital tool in bringing our town to the 21st century! We hope that you will find this very interesting for you to visit again and again.

Now we are lining up topics regarding news on the latest major events in Gigaquit. We also have feature stories and for this month we asked the new Town Mayor Carlos M. Egay, Sr. to give us a clear picture of where he wants Gigaquit to be in the future and what are his programs for reaching the goals. Unfortunately, he is currently very busy with the preparations for the coming Fiesta Celebration and we might be able to post the interview only in the next updating of this website (probably a month or two from now). In the very near future, we will have an interview with former Mayor Domingo Perral to solicit any advice and insights that maybe helpful in the development of the municipality.

We have an opinion section and thankfully a Gigaquitnon writer volunteered to contribute for this month. We would be happy if others can also send their views about things that relate or affect Gigaquit and Gigaquitnons. You may also find interesting the article regarding the wedding of a Gigaquitnon couple in our life section. YOUR STORIES not only about weddings but also about baptisms, birthdays, reunions and other events in your lives would be very welcome. Please share and send them to us.

Happy reading to all !!!